Twenty four

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It's strange how I can run, jump and kill in heels but without them, I can barely walk, tomorrow is friday that means we have to clean the house, and obviously, I won't do it with 5 or 6-inch stilettos so is a day where I fall a lot.

The task was simple, leave Theo with Liam, and go back to the room to get ready, but of course, I had to embarrass myself by falling right in front of his door, why couldn't I fall when I was going up the stairs?

After getting inside my room I splashed cold water on my face to send the blush away, I never blush, but when I walked away I felt his eyes on me, probably because I was naked, I didn't even remember to wrap the towel again.

But it didn't matter he already saw most of it.

I curl the ends of my long dark hair, apply some make-up, and get dressed, I put on my diamond studs, my heels on and I'm ready. I walked out of the room and everyone was waiting for me.

"Let's go, I'll take Theo I already have one of my cars ready for him." I said, We went to the kitchen, I open the door that went to the garage.

I put Theo in the back seat of my G Wagon, the girls were going with Liam, those two are inseparable now. Zack was with me, and I got to say, it was awkward, I knew he was looking at me but every time I would look at him he would look away.

Was it because he saw me naked?

Has he never seen a naked woman before?

Maybe he didn't like it.

"So what are the rules you talked about?" He asked after clearing his throat.

"I told you, you are my guest."

"You also told me that if I wanted to know more of you to come to your house, and I came. So tell me."


Mi gusta.

Fuck, I need help.

"Okay, I don't know if you noticed but there are no maids or cooks in the house, that means everyone helps and cleans after their own shit. Tomorrow is cleaning day. You are not a prisoner in my house, and you can go out, if you bring a girl, no fucking in the hallway." I said.

"That's it? No, respect others? Don't go to the basement? stuff like that?"

"If you need to remember to respect others, that says a lot about you agent Carter. Is common sense. And do you want to know what's in the basement?"

"I do."

"It's my red room." I said seriously and parked the car.

"Like a sex dungeon?" He asked, and I couldn't hold my laugh.

"No, torture chamber. My sex dungeon is not in the basement."

"What?! Then wher- never mind."

"Agent Carter, one mone thing."

"Call me Zack." He said, I took my seatbelt and turned to him.

"So far we are getting along. I still don't know why I invited you to my house, my home, I'm trusting you for some fucking reason, but if you are doing this all to betray me in the end, it's fine, you'll die, but it's fine. I just ask you one thing, do whatever you want with me, but leave all of them alone." I said seriously. He gave me a nod and I got out of the car.

We went back to the 'I look at you until you look at me' game.

I went to the trunk, took the folded stroller out, and opened it, this shit is so much easier than it was ten years ago. When it was Ivy's we had to push and pull and this and that.

It was a nightmare.

This was one of my restaurants, we got in and sat on our reserved booth.

"So Ivy is excited for tomorrow. Why?" Alice asked me.

"It's the day Neera spends with her face on the floor." Liam said and laughs with Ivy.

"Why?" Alice asked.

"So you know the rules, one day a week we clean the house from top to bottom, it's tomorrow, always friday. It's the only time Neera doesn't wear heels and she always falls." Ivy said between laughs, even Zack had a smile on his face.

"Why do you always wear heels?" This time it was Zack asking me.

"Well, I started working when I was young, very young, I was never very tall, people didn't respect me, so I had to look more grown-up, so I started wearing heels, and stupidly some people looked at me differently. It's stupid I know."

"I think it's interesting." Zack said, I looked up at him and he turned his head to the other side, I felt Ivy getting closer to me and she whispered in my ear.

"He's the one." Her tone was serious.

"The one what?" I asked confused.

"The one for you, I see it, I like it. The way he looks at you, the way you blush, the sexual tension." She said and I see Alice nodding at me, agreeing with her words.

"You're delusional. Both of you." I said.

"Keep him, I like him. And don't lie to me, I heard you fall, and when I opened the door you were both looking so intensively into each other's eyes. You don't know it yet, but it's love." She said and that last part made me laugh.

"Thank you, Dr. Phill, I feel so much better." I said, I grabbed my glass of wine and drank it all in one gulp.

I ignored the girls and Zack all dinner.


I ignored just the girls, me and Zack kept stealing glances at each other but never talking, but I noticed him and Liam talking a couple of times. We ate, I paid for dinner, just because I own it doesn't mean I won't pay for my food. We got our jackets, I put another blanket on top of Theo and we walked out.

I got Theo in the car, folded his stroller but the beaten body next to my car made me stop in my tracks.

"Liam." I called, he was talking about Sports with Zack, and the girls about ticktock but when they heard the urgency in my voice they came to me.

"Who's that?" Ivy asked.

"Our mother."

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