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"Just keep making pressure." I said to Atlas.

"Why her?"

"Because for now, we are fighting the same enemy. The enemy of my enemy is m- "

"My friend. I know that shit, but she's so, so... grrr!"

"Bossy? Sexy? Angelical? Beautiful? Yeah, brother I know, I want her too."

"I don't want her."

"Sure, just keep your anger in check." I said, he turned to the window mumbling under his breath.

He was always like this, always the temperamental one, never knowing when to shut the fuck up. He's used to having everyone fearing him, and this woman doesn't, she even makes it worse, always talking back and calling him other names instead of his.

I know she knows his name, I'm can see it in her eyes that she just likes to make him angrier, I was always the silent one, I was there but I never made my presence known, I can read people like a book.

Asking for her help was fucking hard it hurt my pride and ego, but with a sleeping Damon in the backseat and Atlas bleeding I needed to think fast and Neera was what I came up with.

If Ryan turned them against us, how do I know the others are our friends? I couldn't risk it, at least I am sure that Neera even though she doesn't like us, she would never be on Ryan's side because of the kidnapping of her sister, or daughter I didn't understand that part.

She called her mom, but Neera looks too young to be the mother of a teenager, I mean sure she could. There's a lot about Neera Zade that I would like to know. How did she build her empire? Such a big and strong empire.

It was not inherited, that everyone knows. She made a name for herself starting for the bottom, everyone knows who Death is. And that Liam guy, is he her brother, boyfriend?

I want to find out.

I don't know for how long we will be in her house, but I can say it will be interesting seeing how Atlas will behave. Since my parents' death, six years ago he became worse with his temper, the betrayal of our best friend Ryan messed with his head, he likes people even less and doesn't trust anyone.

I understand his reasons.

This war that Ryan started is so fucking stupid and started with a big misunderstanding, Ryan had a girlfriend he was head over heels in love with her, but she was a gold-digging bitch. One thing we take very seriously is our women, in the mafia we protect them with our life.

They are our queens, and this girl was his queen, I don't know what went through her fucking head but one time after a long day we went to our rooms, and when I got inside mine she was fucking naked in my bed, I shouted at her, when Atlas heard me he came running, he was just in his underwear.

Everything happened so taking fast, Ryan, when he saw that she wasn't in his room, went looking for her, and when he heard us, he came to our room and of course things didn't look good, She was naked in hour bed, Atlas only in his boxers. He lost it, shouting at us, things got worse when the bitch opened her mouth.


"Ryan, I'm so glad you're here, they - they tried to - they said you would get hurt if I-" The bitch said and started hysterically crying.

"What the fuck? What did you two do?" Ryan asked and ran to her.

"Dude, we didn't do anything. She was already here naked when I got inside." I said.

"Liar!" The bitch shouted, I really wanted to put a bullet in her head.

"Tell me what happened, baby. " Ryan said to her.

"They told me, if I didn't do what they wanted you would get hurt." I can't fucking believe this.

"What? Are you fucking crazy? Ryan, the bitch is lying." Atlas said.

"Take me out of here Ryan." She cried into his chest, he picked her up bridal style and walked out without a word.

End Flashback.

I don't know what that bitch told him, but I guess he believed her because the next day he walked out of the house, four years later he showed up out of nowhere and killed my parents.

When he did that he crossed the line, because my parents always treated him like he was their son, but that didn't matter to him, he left us without parents and Damon that was only four years old at the time.

Who does that without reason?

Because he didn't even hear us, he simply chose her side without letting us explain and he's still with her, she told him so much shit that he's completely fucking crazy, not just he's coming after us but now he wants Neera's empire.

I mean you need to be really dumb to come after one of the biggest organizations in the world when you don't even have half of the manpower, but coming after both at the same time is just a suicidal mission.

"We will be there in ten, Atlas please don't start shit okay? You already know she won't shut up so just suck it up until this is finished okay?" I said.

"Not my fault she gets on my nerves. If she says anything I will talk back."

"I give up, just make an effort for Damon, he likes her."

We made the rest of the drive in silence, ten minutes later we were passing through the black gates and parking the car. I got out of the car, opened the back door, and picked up Damon that was still sleeping, I made a mental note to remember to talk to him about all of this.

Atlas got out of the car limping because he was hit in his the leg, I walked to the door and rang the bell, a few seconds later, the door opened and there she was, Neera, she's so alluring that she took my breath away.

She was wearing a tight black leather skirt that covered her knees, some white shirt, her hair in a messy bun on top of her head, some light makeup, but her heels, fuck, her heels were high as fuck, if I had to walk on that I would for sure brake my legs.

And I bet that shit could kill.

"Come on, stop staring. I have a doctor waiting and breakfast is almost done. You can lay Damon on the couch." She said and walked away with us following her and looking at her ass.

Such a fuckable ass.

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