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I was sitting in my office smoking a cigarette to see if I would calm down, I never had so many problems at once, but I need to keep my head high and I can't let this stop me now I came too far. I hear knocks on the door, I just hope it isn't one or both of the guys, fuck I need a break from them.

They are too much.

"Come in." I say and Ivy comes inside.

"Are you okay?"

"Too much is happening but don't worry about me, I need to talk to you about something that I can't ignore."

"What's up?" She asked and sat in the chair in front of my desk.

"When I was at the club, I found a girl working there, she's a minor, Carlo said he gave her the job because he pitied her, she has a baby brother to take care of, her father is an abusive drunk."

"And what do you want to do?"

"Help her, I don't know Ivy, I just feel like I need to help her."

"Do you want to know what I think?"

"If I say no, you will say it anyway."

"You're right. I think that you are seeing yourself in her."

"Since when did you get so smart and adult? But what am I supposed to do?"

"There's a lot of people in her situation, mom. You can't help them all."

"But I can help her, now. You know this will not leave my head. I just - I don't know." I said and pulled out another cancer stick.

"Go, go get her, I will take care of the rooms, I'll order some furniture for the baby and everything that will be necessary ." She said, I put the cigarette in the ashtray not even half-smoked, and went to her.

"I love you, Ivy, I'm so proud of you and the woman you're becoming. Thank you for supporting me every step of the way." I said and hugged her.

"I love you too mom. Now go. "

"Okay okay. Call Liam, tell him about this, and tell him that since he is down there to ask questions to the bartender. Do not and I mean DO NOT go downstairs. Start getting lunch ready, when this shit is over I'll take you anywhere you want on a vacation."

"Promise?" She asked, her eyes were shining. I already know where she wants to go.

"Promise." I said I kissed her forehead and walked to the door.




"Fuck yeah, I'm going to Hawaii, I'm going to Hawaii ." She starts singing and dancing around the office.

"Do what I asked, I'll be back soon." With that, I walked out of the house, went to my Mercedes, and drove to Alice's address.

I drove for an hour until finally parked my car, the building with the apartments looked half-finished, the walls were made of concrete, there were bricks and steel here and there, most of the windows were broken, and there was no door.

I knew this was the bad part of town, but I honestly never imagined that it was this bad. There were people that looked like homeless against the walls, clothes torn and dirty, trash all over the floor. This looks like a forgotten part of the town.

I locked the car and went up the stairs. Eight floors with no elevator, how can she do it with a baby? When I was getting closer to her door I could hear glass breaking, shouting and a baby crying. I knocked on the door with force, it took some minutes till someone finally opened it, the baby was still crying somewhere in the house.

"Shut that thing." The man shouted while opening the door. The smell of alcohol and sweat hit my nose, it was so strong I wanted to gag.

"Is Alice home?" I asked.

"Who's asking?"

"Neera Zade." I said coldly, his eyes widened and he paled.

"Miss Zade, What can I do for you? What did my daughter do?"

"I want to see her, now." I said, he opened more the door and moved to the side.

I looked around the cramped space the furniture looked old, the house was clean but there was a strong smell of alcohol around me, I looked back to the shaking man and he pointed to a door, I could still hear a baby crying.

"Open the door. "I ordered, I had a feeling that if I turned my back on the man he would run faster than flash out of here, he walked to the door and slowly opened it.

I wanted to kill him, here and now.

Alice was on the floor with blood around her trying to reach the drawer that was full of blankets and the baby was inside crying. I turned around to the man looking at him in disgust.

"Go to the corner and stay fucking there, if you even move I'll shoot you." I said he ran to the corner and turned to the wall he looked like a kid in time out.

I went near the baby and picked him up, I saw his pacifier and gave it to him, after a few seconds he calmed down, he was red and breathing hard. Poor baby for how long has he been crying? He doesn't look more than two months. I crouched down to get close to Alice.

Her lip was bleeding, her face red and bruised with fat tears coming out of her eyes, her arms full of cuts and black bruises. On my drive here I wondered if I was doing the right thing, if it was worth it to take other responsibility with everything that is going on, but now I'm glad I didn't turn around.

"Can you get up sweetheart?" I asked.


"Come on let me help you. We need to get out of here." With the baby secured in one arm, I helped her with the other, we walked to the living room and she sat in a chair.

"Hold him for a second, I'll be right back." I said putting the baby in her arms. I walked back to the room and put the silencer on my gun.

"Turn around. Don't make a sound. I will not kill you. Yet. But I might come back, if I ever see you near Alice or the baby you will suffer. Do you understand?" I ordered the piece of shit. I raised my gun and shot his hands, he groaned in pain and fell to his knees.

"Yes, yes. I understand." I turned around, tucked the gun in the back of my skirt, and went to find Alice, I picked the baby from her harms.

"Lean to my back, put your arms around my neck and hold tight I'll help you get downstairs." I said and she did what I said but without saying anything.

She's in shock.

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