Thirty two

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Is this going to work? No, there's no real plan here but just rage towards my mother, she gave my brother away to this woman, I can't think clearly and my gut tells me something bad or really bad is going to happen.

And my gut is never wrong.

"Let's do this shit, surround the house, I'll go in first and you will know when you have to get in. Does everyone have their earpiece?" I asked the guys and women around me.

My people.

Part of my family.

"Yes, boss." They said almost at the same time.

"Check your guns and go to your positions." I turned to Liam.

"Are you sure about this?" He asked.

"Of course, I'm just worried because if a fucking big house and we don't know what's behind the doors, but you already know what I'm going to say, do I need to repeat myself?"

"If something happens to you, I'll take care of them. Yes, I know."

"Thank you, we got this-"

"We always do." He finished.

"Fucking right we do."


Everyone was in their positions, we couldn't just barge in with guns blazing, I don't know where my brother is and I don't want him to get hurt. So I have to knock, everyone can hear the conversation and what is happening and at my signal, they will come.

I walked to the front door and rang the bell, stupid I know, a few moments later a tall brunette opened the door.

"I was waiting for you." She said, this is Bianca. She opened the door enough for me to see her and enter but not enough to be killed there.


"You must be Bianca."

"And you are the bitch that killed my man."

"Your puppet? Technically it wasn't me."

"Who was it?"

"Hard to tell, at least twenty people shot him, I can't say who was the first." I said and gave her a false sympathy look.

"I'm not stupid, I know you have people around my house, but let me show you something." She said, she pulled her phone from the middle of her boobs and turned it to me.

It was a room and in the bed was a child, next to the bed was a chair and in it sat a woman, I couldn't see the face, in one hand she had a gun in the other something that looked like a syringe. I couldn't really see if that was Nathaniel or not, but can I risk it?

"What do you want?" I asked coldly.

"You, dead. Throw your weapons to the floor."

"Let him go and I won't put up a fight."

"And why would l do that? I told you I'm not stupid, are they hearing this conversation? Tell them to back off of my propriety. Now!"

"I'm not stupid either Blanca, how do I know that's my brother and he's unharmed?"

"It's Bianca. Bring him down." She shouted, footsteps were heard and Margaret showed up, beside her was a boy, thin, blond hair and bright green eyes, the same as mine and Ivy.

"How can you play with your child's life like this?" I asked Margaret, she simply smirked and shrugged.

Fucking bitch.

"The boy is safe and sound. Now, your weapons." She said and I took the two guns from my back but not the knife I had in my boot.

"Let him go." I said.

"Are your men still out there?"


"No." I said and heard the 'yes' on my ear from Liam.

"Then I can detonate the explosives that I set around." She said and in the next second there was an explosion outside that made the house shake. I could hear Liam shouting orders.

"No, stop."

"Tell them to back the fuck down." She said with a smug look.

"Liam, go. Everyone, stand down." I said.

"Neera, you will be alone." Liam said.

"Do what I said, anyone injured?"

"Yes. One man down, two injured." Fucking bitch, I underestimated her.

"Go, take them to the clinic."


"NOW!" I ordered.

"Yes, boss. "

And now what the fuck am I going to do? I have to get out of here, but first, kill this bitch and the other bitch called Margaret. Nathaniel is quiet, I can see the fear in his eyes but so far there are no tears or screams, that makes me wonder, what has he seen before?

"Sit. Put these around your ankles." Bianca said, she pointed to a chair and threw me some thick zip ties, I sat and tied it around my ankles, I took that opportunity to pull my knife from my boot and slip it in my sleeve.

This was going all wrong, truth be told I was in a worry to get here, I didn't know how she was treating him, can you blame me? But being Neera Zade I should've made a solid plan, not a rushed one. I know I failed, and now it's hard to know how this will end.

"Put your hands behind your back." She said, and I did, with a knife in my sleeve and obviously, I didn't put the zip ties super tight, I just need to lean the chair back and I can pull them.

Bianca was pacing back and forward, talking and laughing, about what? I don't have a fucking clue but she was distracted that was good enough for me. I cut the rope on my wrists and freed my ankles from the chair. I locked eyes with Nathaniel and shut them tight again and again, until he understood what I meant.

'Close your eyes.'

And he did.

The one closer to me was Margaret, she was high as a kite I could see it in her eyes, she stood between me and my little brother her hand on the back of his neck holding him in place.

"...and look where we are, it's just us in this house, and yet you are tied up, all of this because of a half brother..." Bianca kept talking and talking, what she was saying was making my blood boil but if I talk she'll probably stop and her attention will be on me.

Fuck it, I can't hear her scratchy voice anymore, with my knife in hand I jumped out of the chair, grabbed a fist full of my sweet mother's hair and pulled it back, the knife slit her throat like butter.

"Nathaniel, wait for me outside. Please." I said softly he turned around, his eyes slightly widening when he saw all of the blood on the floor.

"Go now." I said a little harder and he went outside.

"You bitch. How could you? She was your mother." She screamed.

"No, she wasn't. Now, it's between you and me." I said.

She pulled a gun from between her tits, what else does she have in there? It was a small one but it doesn't matter it's a gun anyway, and what's that, that people in movies say? Never bring a knife to a gunfight? Or some shit like that.

It's true.

And yet here l am.

Everything happened so fucking fast she raised her gun, I threw my knife, I heard the gun go off, I saw my knife right between her eyes and then I felt it, the pain in my lower stomach, I put my hand under my belly button and looked at it.

There it is, blood.

A fucking lot of it.

I never bleed like this, it's oozing with every beat of my heart, everything started spinning, my vision became blurry, my strength was gone and I fell to the floor, my last thought before everything became black was, I should've made a better plan.

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