Twenty seven

190 11 1


The drive to the clinic was silent I could see that Ivy was nervous, and I couldn't do nothing to calm her down because I was a mess too. We got out of the car and made our way inside, I took Ivy's hand that was shaking.

"Are you sure you want to do inside? " I asked.


"Okay, let's talk with Axel first." I said and made my way to his office, I knocked an the door and got in after hearing his voice.

"Neera, Ivy, how are you?" He asked.

"Fine. How is she?" I asked.

"After cleaning all the blood and taking her clothes off, she had a few cuts but they are not deep. There was no need for stitches, she's malnourished and dehidrated. The worst is the withdrawal." He explained.

"Okay. What will we see when we get inside?"

"She's shaking and sweating a lot, she's exhausted and vomiting. If I were you I wouldn't get close because one minute she's crying and the next she's angry and violent."

"Still sure you want to go in?" I turned to Ivy.


"Room?" I asked him.

"9. "

We turned around and got out, soon enough we were in front of her room door, I looked to Ivy she nodded and I opened the door, I know Axel told us what to expect but seeing it is another thing.

She's skin and bones, shaking with one of those vomit bags in hand, murmuring things to herself.

"Margaret." I said to get her attention, her head turned to us and I could see the confusion in her eyes.

She doesn't know us.

"Who are you?" She asked in a shaky voice.

"I'm Ivy, this is Neera."

"Ivy, Neera, Ivy and Neera ... " She kept repeating.

"What happened to you?" I asked.

"Ivy and Neera. First Neera, then Ivy and then Nathaniel - "

"What did you say? Who's Nathaniel?" I asked, my voice raising with every word.

Please, tell me she didn't have more kids.



"Your brother."


"Where is he? When did you get pregnant?" I asked, Ivy had tears in her eyes and her hand was keeping me in place, because I wanted to jump on her.

"When I left. I was ashamed."

"Where is he?" I asked.

"I don't know I left him in the hospital and ran." She laughed.

The bitch fucking laughed.

"You did what? Why didn't you tell me? When I offered you help, you could've told me." I can't control my anger anymore.

"You little bitch, you offered help? You wanted to lock me. This is all your fault, you took care of that brat and you were bringing money home, you never gave me any. You did good for your life, but not even thought of giving something to your mother?" She shouted at me.

"For you to buy drugs? Of course I wouldn't give you any money. Ivy, let's go." I said and turned around. Margaret jumped out of the bed and grabbed Ivy's arms.

"Let go of me." She shouted, I pull my gun out from my back and pointed at her.

"Let go of my daughter." I said coldly.

"Your daughter? She will never be yours." Margaret said, Ivy twisted her harm and push her to the floor.


That's my girl.

"Do NOT show your face here again, or next time, I will kill you." Ivy said and walked to me.

"I have a message for you, bitch."

"Say it."

"The redhead will come for your head."

"Tell her I'll be waiting, but to come once and for all. I'm not hiding and for fucking sure I won't go after her." I said, I put my arm around Ivy's shoulder and walked out, we passed through the front door security and I told the guy to throw her out.

I want to say something to Ivy, she must be hurt by that woman's words, but I can't. I'm fucking livid, I drove home, way above the speed limit, when I parked the car. Ivy jumped out of the car and ran inside. I got inside, everyone was in the living room.

"Liam, go check on Ivy." I said and kept walking to my office.

Once inside the four walls I lost it, I trashed the place, I let all my emotions out, specially my anger, I broke the computer, there were papers everywhere. Glass shattered all over the floor and I don't know how or when, but the couches were ripped open.

I screamed until my throat hurt, and I cried until I had no more tears.

I have a brother, I have a baby brother somewhere. I have to look for him, I have to bring him home.

And it's all my fault I didn't care for her, I should have known what was happening, I should have looked for her after she left. But I couldn't hear her anymore, every day, every hour asking for money to buy her next fix.

But because I didn't care, because I was selfish, because I was done with her, I have a lost brother out there. I'm failing at everything, I should be the one there for Ivy right now, instead, I'm throwing a fucking pity party.

When I thought I didn't have any more tears, they start rolling down my face again.

"Did it help?" Zack said from the door, he scared the shit out of me.

"No, but it felt good."

"Want to talk about it?" He asked, he walked to me and sat on the floor next to me.

"I don't know where to start." I said.

"Well, why are you crying?"

"I have a brother."

"Okay." He said slowly and looked at me for the rest.

"My mother left him in the hospital after having him. My life has never been this fucked up. Oh, and I have a crazy bitch after me, to kill me." I said chuckling but without any humor behind it.

I got up, opened the drawer from the desk, took two cigarettes and a beige fat folder, I walked back to Zack, gave him the cigarette first and the lighter. Once it was lit I passed him the folder.

"What's this?" He asked.

"That all have on your colleges and boss, there's also confidential contracts, and all the information of all the people I saved and helped put behind bars, they are top secret that's why you never had access to them in the FBI." I finished smoking, got up and left him there with his thoughts.

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