Chapter 1 - Harry's Dream

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Summer was coming to an end and Y/N and Harry spent every day together. As the pair got to know each other more, Y/N began to see him as a brother and Harry became more comfortable living at the Magnolis manor. They would watch movies, play wizards chess and even help out Aunt Monica sort out her ancient artifacts in her large office but most importantly, they confided in each other.

Harry shared a lot about the weight of being the chosen one and how he would get strange dreams that almost felt real about You-Know-Who which have been happening more frequently. Y/N would tell him about her coming out experience and how she has felt isolated during her first year at Hogwarts until she met Florence and Jorden. She would also tell him about her coming out and how it has been hard to keep that part of herself shut off for a long time.

They practised quidditch the most and with Harry's new firebolt, it wasn't a very fair competition. However, Y/N sharpened her turns and quickened her reflexes.

Another thing that changed over the summer was Y/N's appearance. She grew a little taller and her body filled itself out. With the extra quidditch practice, her body was more toned and now being 14, she had lost some of her childlike features around her face and looked more grown.

Suddenly, Harry shifts in his sleep. They had fallen asleep talking in Harry's room last night, which has happened a lot over the summer along with Harry's nightmare's coming more frequent.

"Harry wake up" Y/N calls shaking his shoulder and Harry jolts awake

"Y/N," he says sleepily

"Bad dream," Y/N asks and Harry nods and rubs the lightning bolt scar on his forehead "Was it him"

"I'm not sure, I was at the graveyard again, the same dream" Harry answers

"I still think you should tell Dumbledore if you still have the nightmares at Hogwarts," Y/N says

"I'll be alright Y/N," Harry says and Y/N looks to the clock on Harry's nightstand

"Come on we should get ready to meet at Ron's" Y/N says and gets off Harry's bed

"I can't believe that we are going to the quidditch world cup," Harry says excitedly

"Me too, and I can't wait to see all our friends again," Y/N says and Harry smirks

"Or maybe just one specific friend" Harry says and Y/N shoves his shoulder playfully

"Lay off Harry" Y/N says as a small blush forms on her cheeks

"All I'm gonna say is that Hermione will fancy the new Y/N look," the raven-haired boy says

Y/N rolls her eyes and Harry laughs "don't you laugh when are you gonna ask out Cho"

This time Harry blushes "no comment" and Y/N laughs

Y/N goes back to her room to get changed along with packing a small bag to take with the quidditch world cup. She also packed another bag that she would be taking to Hogwarts but will be leaving at the Burrow. Eventually, she meets Harry and Aunt Monica downstairs as they say goodbye

"Alright you two have you got everything," Aunt Monica says as she greets the two children at the main entrance.

"Yes Aunt Monica," Y/N says and aunt Monica kisses the two of them on the forehead

"We'll be fine," Harry says

"I know but I'll always worry," Aunt Monica says then the two dogs Benson and Dennis run and say goodbye to Y/N and Harry and they both scratch them behind the ears whilst their tales wag happily.

"Alright we should get going now," Harry says

"Alright you two, stay safe and look out for each other" Aunt Monica says and hugs both of them "I love you two goofballs"

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