Chapter 9 - A talk with Sirius

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It's Saturday night and Harry sneaks Y/N into the Gryffindor common room. It's quiet at this time of night as the majority of the students are now in bed.

"Sirius" Harry whispers and Y/N looks around to spot her father but he's not there

"Harry did he say when he would be here," Y/N says

"I don't know but I guess we wait," Harry says as they sit on the maroon velvet couch.

Suddenly, the fire flares up a little, a face appears in it. "Dad" Y/N says surprised and Harry goes to join Y/N

"Sirius?! How-" Harry says

"We're wizards Harry, we do this sort of thing," Y/N says and Harry nods

"So a Triwizard champion congratulations my darling girl," Sirius says and Y/N smiles

"Thanks, dad" Y/N says "But I didn't put my name into the Goblet of Fire"

"I know Y/N. That would be the kind of thing James would've done, tried to fox his way in" Sirius says and Harry smiles at the mention of his dad

"Dad what would you do in my place. I don't know as much magic as the others, I'm only fourth year. I'm-"

"A courageous, smart young witch as there's ever been according to Dumbledore," Sirius says "That's no small praise Y/N. Even so, any witch or wizard must know there limitations"

"Did my father?" Harry says and Sirius smirks

"No," Sirius says and Harry smiles "Now Harry, tell me about this dream of yours. You mentioned Wormtail and Voldemort, but who was the third man in the room?"

"I dunno I didn't hear a name only that Voldermort wanted him to do a job for him. He was gonna use this man to get to me." Harry explain and Sirius' face looks puzzled in the fire

"I mean it was only a dream right?" Y/N says and Sirius and a small frown appears on his lips and sighs

"These things aren't happening by chance anymore. Harry your the boy who lived, when you have a dream it's not just a dream when your scar hurts it's not just a twinge. Look Harry, Y/N my dear, the death eaters at the world cup, your name rising from that goblet these are not just coincidences. Hogwarts isn't safe anymore." Sirius says

"What are you saying?" Harry asks

"I'm saying the devils are inside the walls. Igor Karkaroff was a death eater and no one, no one stops being a death eater. Then there's Barty Crouch, heart of stone sent his own son to Azkaban."

"Do you think one of them put my name in the goblet?" Y/N asks

"I haven't a clue who put your name in that goblet Y/N but whoever did it is no friend to yours or Harry's. People die in this tournament." Sirius says

"I'm not ready for this dad," Y/N says

"I'm sorry darling but you don't have a choice." Sirius says "but I know you are strong you can get through this. You have to get ready for this"

Y/N nods and Harry then turns to the stairs "someones coming" Harry says

"Keep your friends close Harry, Y/N," Sirius says them before he dissipates into the fire.

Y/N and Harry quickly sit casually back on the couch just in time to see Ron come down the stairs.

"Of course, it's you two down here," Ron says staring daggers at Y/N "but I heard three voices, who else is here"

"Maybe you're imagining things, wouldn't be the first time," Y/N says bitterly and Ron scoffs

"You're probably just practising for your next interview I expect," Ron says and leaves walking up the stairs and Y/N sighs

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