Chapter 13 - Dress Robes

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It's been a few days since the first task with Y/N having no luck with the egg. From the looks of the other champions, they are struggling just as much. Y/N spots Harry gaze at the Ravenclaw girl Cho. The girl smiles at him and Harry smiles back only for him to spit his drink out embarrassingly.

"Idiot" Y/N says and Harry frowns

"Shut up," Harry says and Y/N laughs as Harry's face turns crimson red as he wipes away the residue of his pumpkin juice. Suddenly Hermione nudges Y/N's arm

"Look at this!" She says as she reads the daily prophet "I can't believe it she's done it again. Miss Granger a plain but ambitious girl seems to be developing a taste for famous witches and wizards. Her latest prey sources report is none other than the Bulgarian bon-bon Viktor Krum. No word yet on how Y/N Black is taking this latest emotional blow."

"The nerve that woman had to call you plain, that's so far from the truth," Y/N says her brow furrowing and Hermione giggles

"I'm more annoyed they think I like Viktor," Hermione says and Y/N says smiles "he's a good friend not my type of guy"

"And what is Miss Granger's relationship type guy," Y/N says and Hermione smiles wickedly and that makes Y/N nervous, her cheeks reddening

"Maybe it's not a guy" she whispers and Y/N's breath hitches. Before she can read any more into it, a small Gryffindor boy drops a parcel in front of Ron.

"Thank you Nigel." Ron says and the boy, Nigel stays looking directly at Y/N "Not now Nigel. Later, go on." and the boy leaves

"What have you done now Ron," Flo says

"I told him I'd get him Y/N's autograph, oh look mum's sent me something," Ron says and Y/N rolls her eyes. Ron opens the parcel looking confused as he reveals a lace-trimmed grown from the box "She sent me a dress?"

"Well, it does match your eyes. Is there a bonnet?" Jorden says and Harry looks through the parcel

"Ah-ha," Harry says holding it up in the air and the group laughs

"Nose out Harry, Ginny these must be for you," Ron says and Ginny looks at her brother then to the robes.

"I'm not wearing that it's ghastly," Ginny says and Hermione, Flo and Y/N laugh

"What are you three on about?" Ron says

"They're not for Ginny they're for you!" Flo says

"They're dress robes," Hermione adds then suddenly Y/N's owl, Pheonix drops an envelope in front of Y/N and she opens it

"It's from Aunt Monica," Y/N says "She says I need to book an appointment with David our tailor for dress robes"

"I've got one aswell," Harry says "wait we have our own tailor, Y/N"

"Yeah David, he makes all of our suits for the Gala's Aunt Monica has" Y/N replies and Harry's eyes go wide

"Sometimes I forget how rich your family is" Flo says and Y/N laughs

"Wait so you two are getting dress robes but what for" Ron says

"Miss Y/N" McGonagall calls and Y/N stands at the sound of her name being called "If you'll follow me"

Y/N follows the Professor leaving her friends just as confused as Y/N was "I wonder what McGonagall want with Y/N" Jorden asks

"Maybe she got caught in the Kitchens again," Flo says and the group laughs


"Hey do you know what this is about" Harry asks Fred and George and they both shrug as they enter a large room

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