Chapter 4 - Hogwarts

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The group are now on the train to Hogwarts having found a large enough cabin to squeeze into. Hermione's foot has now healed and is now reading the daily prophet whilst leaning on Y/N who takes the seat closest to the door opposite Harry.

Students hang out compartment doors talking and laughing whilst an old woman pushes the candy trolley.

"Anything from the trolley dears?" the old lady says holding a cart with various sweets

"Packet of drewbals and a liquorice wand," Ron says then looks at the money "On second thought, just the drewbals."

"Here Ron" Y/N says tossing him an extra coin and he smiles

"Thanks," he says to Y/N "add the liquorice wand please"

"It's alright I'll get it," Harry says handing over Ron's money and tossing Ron his sweets. Suddenly, Cho Chan walks up to the trolley.

"Two pumpkin pasties please," Cho says and Y/N stares at Harry's reaction with a smirk. Cho starts to walk away as she collected her sweets but Harry still stood on the doorway watching Cho leave.

"Anything sweet for you dear?" The old woman says to Harry

"Oh no thank you I'm not hungry." Harry answers quickly and shuts the door

"Dear god Harry, you've it bad for Cho" Flo says

"Stop it, Florence" Harry says then Hermione scoffs at the daily prophet in her hands

"This is horrible, how can the ministry not know who conjured it. Isn't there any security?" Hermione says

"Loads according to dad, that's what worried them so much," Ron says

"Cause it happened right under their noses," Jorden adds and Ron nods. Y/N notices Harry rubbing his head.

"It's hurting again isn't it, your scar," Y/N says and the raven-haired boy doesn't respond "Harry its been happening more recently"

"I'm fine." Harry answers

"You know my dad will want to hear about this. What you saw at the world cup, and the dream." Y/N speaks

"Dreams, what dreams,?" Ron asks

"Harry has had nightmares, involving the dark lord" Y/N answers

"And you didn't think to tell us," Hermione says

"I didn't want to worry you guys," Harry says

"You should know by now mate, that we're in this together," Jorden says and Harry nods

"I'll write to Sirius once we get to Hogwarts and Y/N nods as she rubs the signet ring


All the students are seated in the Great hall with Flo and Y/N talking to each other and the other Ravenclaws about their summer break. The hall glows magically as it is all decked out for the first feast. Suddenly Dumbledore stands and the room goes silent as he speaks.

"Now that we're all settled in and sorted, there is apparently a nasty rumour flying about the school that quidditch will not be played this year. That rumour I'm here to tell you is absolutely true" Dumbledore says

"You've got to be kidding me," Y/N says to Flo "all that extra work and for nothing"

"I wouldn't say for nothing Y/N you did get hotter" Flo smirks

Y/N laughs at her best friends comment but there are also murmurs coming from all the tables at this devastating news. Dumbledore clears his throat and continues to speak

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