Chapter 28 - End of Book 2

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Y/N sits with her owl Phoenix in her room, her hair tossing lightly in the wind. She had left the hospital a day later after her friends visited and got ready to pack her bags to end the school year. She peers out the window, where the empty maze stands like a desolate ruin. Suddenly a distant voice calls.

"Y/N" Hermione says as she greets the Ravenclaw girl. Y/N holds out her arms and Hermione slots into place and rests her head on Y/N's shoulder. "Everyone is heading out to say goodbye"

Y/N sighs "I guess we should go join them" and kisses Hermione's cheek and they walk hand in hand to the courtyard.

They walk out of the Ravenclaw common room and down the halls. The couple didn't speak but walked in comfortable silence. Suddenly, Y/N notices that Hermione had stopped walking and she looks back at the Gryffindor beauty.

"'mione" Y/N calls and the looks slightly saddened

"Everything is going to change now isn't it" Hermione says and Y/N takes her hands

"Yes" is all the Ravenclaw girl says with a smile and slowly Hermione has one too and the two walk over to their group who have gathered in the courtyard.

"Just once, just once, I'd like to have a nice quiet school year. Is that too much to ask" Y/N hears Ron say and Flo scoffs

"It would be a bit boring wouldn't it" Flo says and Y/N laughs

"Yeah come on Ron what's life without a few dragons," Y/N says causing Harry to laugh

"Normal Y/N," Ron says "It's not easy being your friend Y/N and Harry"

Y/N and Harry laugh "you should try being us mate," Harry says

"We'll have to leave hear someday" Flo says "best enjoy it whilst we can"

"Dragon's and all" Jorden says as he claps hold of Ron's shoulder

"And besides, we'll be alright as long as we stay together" Hermione says and Y/N looks into her amber eyes

Y/N smiles "together," she says looking at Hermione and they lean to kiss each other tenderly.

The Ravenclaw girl places her hand in Hermione's hair as they deepen the kiss, she can hear the boy's gag and Flo laugh at their responses.

"Gosh you guys are sickenly cute together," Flo says

"Sickening is more like it" Jorden says and Hermione and Y/N laugh

"Whats the matter Finch are you just jealous that I have an amazing girlfriend and you don't" Hermione teases and Jorden pouts

"Lay off Granger," Jorden says

Y/N and Hermione pay him no mind as the Ravenclaw girl pecks the Gryffindor's soft lips. The two grin happily when suddenly Viktor and Fleur walk towards Y/N.

"Y/N" Fluer calls and Y/N smiles and hugs the Beauxbaton girl tightly

"Fleur, how are you," Y/N asks and Fleur smiles

"We should be asking you that" Fleur replies and Y/N smiles

Viktor now stands close to them and Y/N hugs the older Durnstrang boy "Hey Vik"

"Hey Y/N," He says "are you leaving soon"

Y/N nods "yeah, I just wanted to say goodbye to everyone"

"We'll write to each other won't we Vik," Fleur says and Vik nods

"Definitely" Viktor replies "we'll see you soon Y/N"

"I'll miss you too" Y/N says and Fluer smiles

"We will too Y/N," Fluer says as she makes her way to the Beauxbaton carriages and Viktor walks over to Flo and says his goodbye to his girlfriend with a tender kiss before heading back to the ship in the black lake.

Flo blushes as she heads over to the  group and Y/N smiles knowing that her friend is happy with the Bulgarian boy. Y/N waves as the two disappear and as she turns around she notices Aunt Monica talking with her friends and makes her way back over. Her aunt wraps her in a hug and kisses her forehead.

"Are you and Harry ready to go?" Aunt Monica asks and Y/N nods

"Yeah so I guess we aren't taking the train," Y/N says and Aunt Monica nods

"We're going to aparate," Aunt Monica replies

"But I thought we couldn't aparate in and out of Hogwarts," Harry asks and their aunt just smirks

"Dumbledore gave me special privileges," their Aunt says

Harry and Y/N say goodbye to their friends and the Ravenclaw girl lingers with Hermione as they part for the holidays.

"We'll write won't we," Y/N asks and Hermione cups her jaw with both her hands causing Y/N to look into the Gryffindor girl's amber eyes

"Of course we will," Hermione says "but that doesn't mean I'll miss this, you being with me"

Y/N sighs "I'll miss it too"

"We'll be alright won't we," Hermione asks and Y/N kisses the tip of her nose

"Always" Y/N replies

Author's note

That's it everyone end of book 2. I have started in the next book in the series and this is where it will slightly drift away from the books and movies but trust me it's going to be a crazy ride. Thank you all so much for the support 😁😁

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