Chapter 21 - S.P.E.W Part 2

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"Hermione can you please tell me what's got you so worked up," Y/N says as she tries to keep up with the bushy-haired girl along with Harry, Ron, Jorden and Flo

"We're going to the library and all of you are going to help me with S.P.E.W," Hermione says as they make their way down the hall

"Spew," Ron says "what the bloody hell is that"

"Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare, Ronald" Hermione scolds

"I've never heard of it," Ron says

"That's because she made it up," Jorden says and Hermione frowns

"It's a good cause" she explains and they finally reach the library.

Y/N sighs and the group follows Hermione to one of the aisles. "Hermione I thought you stopped after our visit with the elves down at the kitchens with Harry and I"

"What happened there," Ron asks

"She made a house-elf upset," Harry says and Hermione whacks him with a book "ow!"

"I was trying to explain to her that it would be liberating to at least have holidays and wages. Also the house elf was already crying so it wasn't my fault," Hermione says

"Well I can understand why. Most house-elves consider it to be shameful if they were offered such things," Ron says

Hermione sighs and hands Flo and Jorden some books "are you going to help me or not"

Flo sighs and Hands the books to Ron "I'm sorry Hermione but I have to catch up on homework"

Hermione nods and Flo leaves with Jorden, Harry and Ron following her to a nearby table, leaving Y/N and Hermione alone in the aisle.

Y/N gently touches Hermione's and the Gryffindor sighs "are you sure your alright"

"No" Hermione mutters and then turns to Y/N, wrapping her arms around her neck "do you think what I'm doing is stupid"

"What no-" Y/N says surprised

"Y/N please be honest" Hermione says and Y/N sighs and gazed into the Gryffindor's honey-brown eyes.

"I may not particularly like it but regardless of what I think, it's important to you so therefore it's important to me" Y/N says and the bushy-haired girl smiles.

"Thank you" Hermione says as she kisses Y/N's cheek and the Ravenclaw girl blushes

"Your welcome" Y/N replies as she warps her arms around Hermione's waist "hey I've actually got an idea that may be helpful"

"We'll that's a surprise" Hermione giggles and Y/N frowns

"Rude but anyways, I could ask for my house elf Zilpy to come to Hogwarts and you can ask her some questions"

Hermione's face lights up at this "Y/N that would be great then maybe I could write something about it and-"

"Woah there settle down 'mione, I haven't even asked Zilpy yet or know if she will actually agree" Y/N says to cut off the Gryffindor girls rambling "I can't promise that she will but I'll try"

"Have I told you your my favourite person" Hermione grins and Y/N smirks

"Maybe once or twice, but that doesn't mean I don't like hearing about it" Y/N replies and Hermione giggles.

Y/N leans in to tenderly kiss the bushy-haired on her rose-coloured lips. The kiss was brief as the two are still trying to make out what they are to each other. To the Ravenclaw's surprise, Hermione ever so gently deepens the kiss and Y/N doesn't protest. She can't help it Hermione is so intoxicating.

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