Chapter 15 - Astronomy Tower

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Y/N paces around the astronomy tower. She was so nervous and starts to fiddle with her signet ring. "Deep breaths" Y/N says to herself "just be confident"

Suddenly she hears footsteps come up the stairs and Hermione stands at the entrance with a smile on her face. She had changed out of her uniform into a more comfortable pair of clothes, blue jeans and a purply-pink sweater as it was getting closer to winter at Hogwarts.

Y/N wore something similar with black jeans and a grey turtleneck sweater. The Ravenclaw smiles at Hermione and greets her with a warm hug.

"Hey," Y/N says

"Hey," Hermione says and Y/N takes her hand and leads her to the balcony and they look out to the sky "Not that I don't like spending time with you but seriously, what are we doing here"

Y/N smiles "It's a nice view up here, and I didn't feel up for studying tonight but I wanted to spend time with you just us, that's the honest truth" Hermione smiles and squeezes her hand a little tighter. "Do you know much about the stars"

Hermione shakes her head "other than what they teach us in school"

Y/N grins and point to the sky "See those stars there,"

"Yeah I see them," Hermione says

"They make up the great dog and the largest star over there is called Sirius," Y/N says and Hermione listens intently "It's kind of ironic that his animagus form is a black dog"

Hermione laughs and Y/N looks into her honey-brown eyes that tell her to keep going "My mother was always fascinated with the stars, she was an astronomer and studied philosophy. Aunt Monica said that she fell in love with my dad through the stars, that's what she would talk about when they were together"

"You never really talk about your mother," Hermione says

"Well I don't really know much about her," Y/N says sadly "I learnt about stars to feel closer to her. Does that make sense"

"Yeah it does," Hermione says "thank you for sharing that with me, I know you don't really like to show vulnerability, but I like this side of you"

"Thanks," Y/N says "there's also one more thing I want to ask you"


Y/N sighs and takes a deep breath "Umm for the Yule Ball would you- um only if you want- um to go with me" she stutters

Hermione looks at her surprised "you want to go with me?"

Y/N finally regains her confidence "of course I want to go with you, I like you Hermione I really do-"

Before she can finish Hermione wraps her arms around Y/N tightly and the Ravenclaw stiffens, surprised by the action but melts into the embrace.

"It took you long enough to ask," Hermione says and Y/N giggles

"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting," Y/N says and they break apart only so they can face each other

"It's ok I forgive you" Hermione smirks then her face turns to worry and she breaks away from Y/N. "oh my- I don't know how to dance and people will be watching us for the champions first dance Y/N-"

"Hermione, it's ok you'll be fine," Y/N says calming the Gryffindor girl down "we could practise if you want to, I know a few steps from my private lessons"

"You did private lessons," Hermione says surprised

"With all the Gala's I attended with my Aunt when I was younger I kind of had to," Y/N says "she hasn't had one in a while though so I might be a little rusty"

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