Chapter 25 - Third Task

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It's time for the third task and the contestants have gathered around in front of the large hedge maze. Y/N stands tall in the her Ravenclaw colours as she greets Cedric who is talking to his dad.

"Hey Cedric good luck tonight," Y/N says and the older Hufflepuff boy smiles and shakes her hand

"Likewise Y/N," Cedric says and then Mr Diggory turns to Y/N

"Y/N, go easy on my boy here," Mr Diggory says and Y/N laughs and nods at the older man before looking at the stands to look for her friends

She spots Jorden, Ron and Flo sitting in the stands and she looks around for Harry and her girlfriend. Suddenly, she spots Harry walking his way over to her with Hermione and her aunt in tow. Y/N smiles widely as she rushes over to her aunt and hugs her tightly

"Aunt Monica you came," Y/N says surprised and her aunt kisses her head

"Dumbledore invited me," Monica says "and like I'd miss you become the Triwizard champion"

"Hey I haven't won yet," Y/N says and Harry laughs

"Oh come on Y/N you've got this," Harry says and she smiles turning her attention to her girlfriend.

Hermione puts on a brave face but Y/N knows that behind her honey-brown eyes she is worried. Y/N hugs the Gryffindor girl tightly and whispers in her ear.

"I'll be alright Hermione," Y/N says and Hermione nods against her shoulder

"Just come back to me" Hermione whispers and they break away from the embrace only to have Hermione's lips lock with Y/N's which catches the Ravenclaw girl by surprise.

The kiss didn't last long but it was enough for both of them to understand what it means. A promise.

Aunt Monica stares at the two of them with a knowing look before turning to Harry and playfully nudging his arm "so when were you going to tell me Y/N was dating Miss Granger huh"

"Ow, and I'm sorry it slipped my mind," Harry says and Aunt Monica huffs before turning to Y/N

"We'll talk about this later, you best be on your way now," Aunt Monica says and Y/N nods as the three of them walk to their seats.

Y/N gets in position by standing in front of one of the four entrances. She takes a few deep breathes to calm her nerves and by that time Dumbledore speaks.

"Earlier this evening, Professor Moody placed the Triwizard Cup within the maze. Only he knows where it resides. As the scoring is close, the first touch of the cup will become the Triwizard Champion in over 100 years." Dumbledore says and the crowd cheer "Now as Mr Diggory and Miss Black are tied for first position, they will enter the maze first followed by Mr Krum and Miss Delacluer"

"Go on Y/N!" Jorden yells and Y/N smiles at her friends as they cheer her on.

"At the sound of the canon-" Dumbledore starts and it fires early.

Y/N is startled but motions towards the maze. the music starts to play as she enters the maze, the high walls lean over her. The maze walls close behind her and it falls utterly silent, the only thing she can hear is her own breathing.

Y/N moves forward, hedges tremble with the wind. She hears a sound and turns around quickly but spots nothing. The Ravenclaw continues, her wand cast out in front of her and comes across a crossroad, each alley short as the other. She chooses left.

The mist settles around Y/N. She begins to hurry, quickening her pace before running up ahead and turning a corner before the mist thickens behind her. A blood-curdling scream is heard and Y/N whips her head around sees a small light come from around the corner.

Y/N makes the decision to quickly hide up against the maze hedge hoping whoever it is doesn't spot her. The figure comes around the corner, it's Viktor but his eyes are completely white like he's been processed. He stares in Y/N's direction and the Ravenclaw holds her breath, with no word Krum turns down the alley and is gone.

Y/N is uncertain whether to follow Viktor but she decides to keep going in the direction she was already heading. She approaches the crossroads and rounds the corner only to find Fleur lying motionless on the ground.

"Fleur" Y/N says softly but she doesn't respond. She takes the Beauxbaton's wand and raises it up in the air creating red sparks in the sky. Y/N places Fluer's wand on the Beauxbaton girls motionless hand and keeps moving.

She starts to run again, turning corner after corner into short corridor after short corridor. Again and again, she looks over her shoulder anxiously. The sound of the rustling maze seems to be increasing, the alleys are chocked with mist.

Y/N reaches a crossroad and looks behind her once more. As she moves forward she crashes into someone, Cedric. He pushes past her and starts to sprint and Y/N follows him close behind but however the Hufflepuff boy is faster and the light from his wand disappears.

The Ravenclaw slows down breathless. Suddenly, the sound of the hedge maze increases. Ahead the end of the corridor is drawing closer, the maze seems to be closing in on her. frantically she starts to outrun the hedge.

She spots a gap up ahead and races toward it. As the hedge begins to close, Y/N hurls herself forward slipping through the gap just as the hedge closes. She slowly gets to her feet and turns around and spots it. The Triwizard cup right up ahead.

Suddenly, a bolt of light rockets past her singing the side of her arm. She turns to see Viktor readying his wand for a second shot.

"Black, duck!" Cedric shouts and Y/N does so as the spell sizzles past her ear. Cedric points his wand at Krum "Stupefy!"

Cedric's bolt surges past Y/N straight at Viktor, who collapses on the ground frozen. Y/N stands up and the two approach Krum.

"Thanks," Y/N says to Cedric and the boy nods

They both turn to stare at the cup in the distance. They glance at each other before they both sprint towards the prize. Cedric begins to draw ahead when a root twist up and out of the hedge and snaps his ankle. He tries to kick it away but is rapidly enveloped by the hedge. He falls heavily and Y/N overtakes him.

Y/N looks back to see Cedric suffocating, choked by the foliage. She's torn between ambition and duty, the cup or Cedric. Deciding, she dashes back and takes out her wand blasting and kicking at the branches that hold Cedric. Finally, Y/N manages to pull Cedric free, they stand panting, nearly able to speak.

"Thanks Y/N, you could've just left me and taken the Cup," Cedric says

"It wouldn't have been right" Y/N replies as they make it up to the Cup. Cedric looks at Y/N expectantly

"Go on take it," he says and Y/N shakes her head

"No we take it together," Y/N says "On three. One"


"Three!" and they both grab hold of the Cup.

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