Chapter 8 - Rita Skeeter

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It's been a few days since the announcement of the champions and now Y/N, Cedric, Fleur and Viktor all stand around talking amongst themselves. They were told they were to be interviewed for the daily prophet which is exactly what Y/N didn't want, more attention to her name being called out of the goblet.

"Got any clue what the first task is," Cedric asks and everyone shrugs

"Whatever it is, we have to be prepared for anything," Fleur says.

"So do we know who this interviewer is" Y/N answers

"Herd she's just some gossiper," Cedric says and Viktor huffs

"My favourite," Viktor says sarcastically and Fleur and Y/N laugh. Suddenly, a woman appears in a puff of smoke. She's well presented and dressed colourfully, particularly green. She eyes the four champions with an almost feral intensity.

"What a charismatic quartet. Hello!" the woman says and the champions look at each other curiously. "Rita Skeeter, I write for the daily prophet. But of course, you know that don't you. It's you we don't know, you're the news. What quirks lurk beneath those rosy cheeks? What mysteries do the muscles mask? Does courage lie beneath those curls? In short, what makes a champion tick. Me, myself and I want to know. Not to mention my rabid readers. So, who's feeling up to sharing? Mmm? Shall we start with the youngest, lovely"

The woman then takes Y/N by the hand and shoves her into a broom closet. Y/N was shocked by the action but quickly composed herself as Rita eyes her mischievously. "this is cozy" Rita says and Y/N looks around

"It's a broom closet," Y/N replies

"Not your usual forte, unlike the Magnolis manor" Rita smiles making Y/N slightly uncomfortable

"well- I know its cozy" Y/N replies and Rita grins wickedly

Y/N watches as The gossip journalist takes an acid green quill from her purse and places it on the parchment as it floats in mid-air.

"So Y/N, here you sit, a mere girl of twelve-"

"uh fourteen" Y/N corrects

"-about to compete against three students. Not only vastly more emotionally mature than yourself but have mastered spells that you wouldn't attempt in your dizziest daydreams. Concerned?"

Y/N stares as the quill writes down everything in the air "I dunno I haven't really thought about it." Y/N replies as she glances up at the quill racing across the parchment

"Course you're not just any ordinary girl of twelve are you"

"fourteen" Y/N corrects again

"Your Y/N Black, taken in by her aunt after your mother's tragic death. The daughter of a mass murderer. The story's legend. Do you think it was the trauma of your past that made you so keen to enter such a dangerous tournament?" Rita asks

"Oh, no I didn't enter," Y/N clarifies

"Course you didn't. Everyone loves a rebel Y/N," Rita says with a wink then turns to the quill "Scratch that last part. Speaking of your parents, if your mother was alive, how do you think they'd feel? proud? or concerned that your attitude shows at best a pathological need for attention, at worst a psychotic death wish much like your father."

Y/N not really paying attention as she was too busy looking over at the notepad "Hey my eyes do not glisten with the ghosts of my past"

Just the door swings open and Dumbledore stands outside. He has a warm smile on his face "Dumbledore how are you" Rita asks

"Very well for a dusty old dingbat" Dumbledore replies "Come now Y/N. Mr Crouch is about to give the instructions"

Y/N gets out of the broom closet and she spots Crouch standing before the other champions whilst McGonagall, Moody, Madam Maxine and Karkoroff look on. Y/N stands next to Cedric who sends her a reassuring smile.

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