Chapter 18 - Christmas

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Hermione is the first one to wake up in the Ravenclaw dorm. She looks over to Y/N, still peacefully sleeping beside her. She can't believe it actually happened, they kissed and Hermione smiled to herself as she remembered everything that happened at the Yule Ball.

Y/N stirs suddenly and opens her eyes and gazes straight into Hermione's. Y/N sleepily smiles "morning 'mione"

Hermione grins "morning Y/N"

"How did you sleep," the Ravenclaw girl asks

"pretty good," Hermione says "you"

"it was the best sleep I've had in a while" Y/N replies and Hermione grins. Y/N inches her closer to Hermione and she cups the Gryffindor girls jaw giving her a tender kiss. "Merry Christmas Hermione"

Hermione blushes "Merry Christmas Y/N"

"Oh for merlin's sake I just woke up and I don't want to see your lovey-dovey expressions in the morning," Flo says as she groggily sits up whilst Y/N and Hermione giggle

Y/N smirks "merry Christmas to you too Flo," she says and Flo just huffs and gets out of bed

"We should go and meet the others" Flo says and Hermione and Y/N nod

They all get dressed in casual attire with Hermione borrowing Y/N's clothes and make their way to the Gryffindor common room


"Merry Christmas Y/N!" Jorden says happily as he hugs the Ravenclaw girl tightly. Y/N smiles and laughs at her friend's boisterous behaviour

"Merry Christmas Jord's" Y/N replies and smiles. the Hufflepuff boy then goes to greet Hermione and Flo whilst Y/N goes to Harry and embraces the raven-haired boy

"Merry Christmas Harry," Y/N says and Harry softly smiles

"Merry Christmas Y/N," Harry says.

Y/N notices Ron sitting on the couch with a somber expression on his face. She thinks that Harry must've had a word with him about his behaviour last night. He stares sadly at Flo who is busily talking with Hermione and Jorden.

"Merry Christmas Ron," Y/N says and Ron looks at Y/N and smiles weakly

"Merry Christmas Y/N" he replies and Jorden starts handing out presents

"Come on it's time for presents," The Hufflepuff boy says excitedly and Y/N laughs at his puppy-like behaviour but sits down and gets handed a few parcels. Y/N and Flo had already dropped off their presents a few days ago so they didn't have to carry them to the Gryffindor common room as there are quite a few to hand out. Hermione sits next to Y/N and Jorden hands her a few presents as well.

Y/N opens her presnets and she gets liquorice wands and other assortments of sweets from Jorden, a new journal from Flo, a copy of the book Wuthering Heights from Ron with Harry's help of course and a vinyl copy of ABBA's greatest hits from the raven-haired boy.

"Harry how did you even know that I liked ABBA so much," Y/N asks

"I had help from Aunt Monica," Harry says "she also gave us a Chrismas card"

Y/N looks at the card addressed to both her and Harry. On the front is a picture of their dogs Benson and Derick in Santa hats and Y/N laughs then opens the card

Dear Y/N and Harry

Merry Christmas you too, I hope you are both doing well with your studies and Y/N I hope you are keeping safe in the tournament. Your Christmas gifts are in your bedrooms for when you arrive home. I love you both and keep each other safe

love your Aunt Monica

"Is that Derick and Benson, they look so cute" Flo says and Y/N smiles Hermione looks over the Ravenclaw's shoulder and spots the two dogs and smiles

"They're adorable," Hermione says and Y/N laughs

"Yeah they are," Y/N says and suddenly Hermione hands her a small parcel

"Merry Christmas Y/N," Hermione says and Y/N smiles and opens the present.

Inside was a worn copy of the Pride and Prejudice book and Y/N flicked through the pages to see that they were annotated in Hermione's handwriting.

"Hermione-" Y/N says surprised

"I know you've read the book but I thought that it would be cool to see how I felt or my thoughts on the book as I read it-" Hermione says

Y/N kisses Hermione's cheek and that stops her from talking "this is perfect I cant wait to re-read and know your thoughts on it"

Hermione blushes "I'm glad you like it" Y/N smiles and hands the bushy-haired girl a small box

"Your turn now," Y/N says and she opens the box which reveals three CD's

"I know that you like some of my music so I made a few mixtapes of some of your favourite songs, then the last one is songs that remind me of you" Y/N replies and Hermione grins

"You're too sweet Y/N," Hermione says and hugs her tightly then tenderly kisses her cheek "thank you"

Y/N nods then the two join in to the group's conversation and start sharing sweets with everybody as well as trying out their new gifts. Y/N leans closer to Hermione and the Gryffindor girl lets her. Y/N smiles as Hermione starts to draw small circles on Y/N's hand as they listen and watch their friends be excited over their presents.

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