Chapter 27 - In the Hands of Fate

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Y/N hits the earth once more with a massive thud. Blood sprays from her body as she is separated from Cedric's. The Triwizard cup goes bounding away. Y/N lies motionless as she stares at the night sky above her. She made it, she made it back. But at what cost.

The dark lord's spell rebounded onto her, she could feel the spell hit her body like a jolt of electricity. She holds up her hand which was clutching her collar bone to find it stained in crimson red.

Screams rise from the stands as they find out what's going on and Y/N's hand drops as she searches for Cedric's body. She tries to move but it's no use.

"Y/N!" Aunt Monica yells as her aunt's face comes into view "Dumbledore get Madam Pomfrey!"

Aunt Monica holds Y/N's face as tears stream down her own, suddenly Harry comes into view and holds Y/N's hand "Y/N it's going to be okay"

"He's back Harry, Voldemort has returned," Y/N says breathlessly as she is finding it hard to breathe.

She can hear Mr Diggory wail over his son which makes the tears fall down the Ravenclaw's face once more. She doesn't know how much longer she has.

"Y/N!!" a familiar voice wails and Hermione's face comes into her view. "Y/N please stay with me"

Y/N chest falls and rises at a rapid rate "Her-mio-ne" her voice comes out faint as she stares into her amber eyes she lifts her non-blood soaked hand to Hermione's cheek and she kisses her palm and rests her other hand onY/N's chest

"Please you can't die, please Y/N hold on" Hermione cries and Y/N hates this. She hates how they didn't have more time. she wishes I didn't have to end like this

"I-" Y/N tries to say but her breath fades out and her body lies motionless. The last thing she sees are Hermione's tear-stained amber eyes staring back at her before the world goes black


It's been three days since Y/N and Cedric had died and the group was broken. Flo and Hermione comforted each other but there was always tears in their eyes. Ron and Jorden didn't joke or even talk, the Weasley boy didn't seem to have much of an appetite. But Harry he had Aunt Monica as they comforted each other. Monica chose to stay at Hogwarts for the last week of term before the holidays.

They had discovered that Mad-eye was really Barty Couch Jr using polyjuice potion to disguise himself and the real Alestor Moody was locked away in a chest. Harry sighs as he makes it back to the Gryffindor common room.

"Harry," Aunt Monica says urgently as soon as the raven-haired boy enters the common room

"Aunt Monica what is it" Harry asks

"It's about Y/N" she says and Harry nods and they walk towards the hospital wing.


In the great hall, the customary colours are nowhere to be seen. instead, the hall is trapped in black banners. Hermione holds Jorden's hands tightly aswell as Ron's aswell, Flo holds Viktor's who has sent his condolences aswell to the group as he comforts his girlfriend. They all share the same solemn expressions on their faces. Harry is nowhere to be seen.

"The end of another year" Dumbledore begins "ordinarily, this is a day of celebration. A day we recognise the accomplishments of ourselves and others. But today, we acknowledge a terrible loss. Cedric Diggory was, as many of you know exceptionally hard-working, infinitely fair-minded and most importantly a fierce friend. I think therefore you have the right to know exactly how he died. Cedric Diggory was murdered by Lord Voldemort."

"What about Y/N, she died too and she gets nothing" Jorden whispers but no one responds. However the group is furious.

"The Ministry of Magic does not wish for me to tell you this. But not to do is an insult his Mr Diggory's memory" Dumbledore says and he sighs "However on this tragic day I do bring lighter news, earlier this morning, Miss Y/N Black is in fact alive and well. In light of recent events, the magical ties between schools will be more important than ever. Differences of habit and speech become meaningless when the language of our hearts are the same."

Hermione's face softens at the thought of Y/N being alive and she weakly smiles. Ron looks at the Gryffindor girl with a weak smile "we'll head straight to the hospital wing alright Hermione" he whispers and she nods

"With dark times and difficult times comes a choice: between what is right and what is easy. Should you ever waver, remember the boy who was kind and brave and true. 'Til the very end" Dumbledore says


"Hermione slow down" Ron calls but the Gryffindor girl doesn't slow her pace as she almost runs to the hospital wing

The bushy-haired girl enters the hospital wing with her friends not far behind. Hermione's breath hitches. There on one of the hospital beds sits Y/N talking to her aunt and Harry, she has a weak smile on her face.

The blood from her face and chest had been cleared but a few cuts remain on her face. She wears a baggy grey t-shirt and some black cotton shorts. Y/N looks up to see Hermione staring at her and she grins. Before Hermione could move, Flo, Jorden and Ron all catch up and move to Y/N's side as they embrace her tightly.

"Y/N I can't believe you're alive," Flo says and she kisses the top of her head and hugs her tightly. Y/N smiles at her best friend and returns her embrace "I missed you"

"I missed you too Flo" Y/N says and Jorden and Ron are next as they both hug Y/N tightly

"We missed you mate," Ron says "it's not the same without you"

"You gave us quite a scare," Jorden says

Y/N laughs "I think I scared myself to be honest mate, but I'm glad I'm back"

The boy's nod and Y/N finally gets out of bed to meet Hermione who looks like she's seen a ghost. Y/N now stands in front of her with warmth in her eyes as she cups Hermione's cheek

That seems to break Hermione out of her trance as she embraces Hermione tightly. Tears stream down both the girl's faces. "Please tell me this real, that it's not some dream I have to wake up from" Hermione whispers

Y/N smiles "This is real Granger. I'm alive, I'm here now with you"

Hermione crashes their lips together acting like nobody else is in the room. The touch of their lips together, makes Y/N body fill with warmth. Her body missed this, she missed Hermione so much. The Ravenclaw girl can never get enough of her.

"Y/N you shouldn't be out of bed," Y/N's aunt says and Hermione takes Y/N back to the bed where Harry makes room for the bushy-haired girl to sit next to her girlfriend.

"Y/N, how I-I watched, we watched. You-" Hermione stutters

"I know, but I don't really know how I'm here to be honest. One moment I'm looking into your eyes and the next I'm in the hospital wing and Madam Pomfrey starts to scream like she's seen a ghost" The group chuckles and Y/N smiles.

"Y/N you can show them," Aunt Monica says and Y/N nods

"Show us what," Fo says and Y/N pulls on the collar of her shirt revealing the skin of her collar bone. On the skin lies an angry lightning bolt scar similar to the one Harry has on his forehead.

"I'm gonna assume this is how I survived," Y/N says and the group look at it curiously before she covers it again.

"Well I'm just glad your alright, it was awful without you," Harry says and Y/N nods

"Me too" Y/N smiles and Hermione kisses her cheek tenderly.

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