Chapter 24 - Finding Answers

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Y/N walks down the corridor deep in thought. She was quite confused on why Dumbledore showed her that memory in the pensieve. She suddenly heard voices and looks up to see two twin silhouettes glimmering at the end of the corridor. The Ravenclaws curiosity getting the best of her, she goes to investigate. To her surprise, she spots Karkaroff and Snape talking.

Karkaroff's left arm is extended and his sleeve rolled up. As he reaches for Snape's arm they notice Y/N. Instantly, Karkaroff drops his sleeve and exits. Y/N motions to leave but Snape stops her.

"Miss Black. What's your hurry" Snape calls as he strides forth to Y/N. The Ravenclaw girl doesn't speak but eyes the potions teacher carefully "Congratulations. Your performance in the black lake was inspiring, gilliweed am I correct."

"Yes sir" Y/N responds

"Ingenious, rather rare herb gilliweed. Not something found in your everyday garden, and neither is this. Snape says as he holds up a crystal vial. "know what this is"

"No sir"

"Veritaserum, three drops and You-know-who himself would spill his darkest secrets. The use of it on a student is, regrettably forbidden. However, should you steal from my personal stores again, my hand just might slip over your morning pumpkin juice" Snape says darkly

"I haven't stolen anything sir-" Y/N replies

"Don't lie Miss Black" Snape counters and Y/N holds her tongue. "Gillyweed may be innocuous, but boomslang skin, lacewing flies, I have an idea of what you and your friends are brewing" Snape stares stoically at Y/N before he glides evilly away leaving the Ravenclaw utterly speechless.


"What do you suppose was on Karkaroff's arm," Jorden asks

Y/N and her friends all met on the Hogwarts bridge to discuss what happened with Dumbledore and now Snape and Karkaroff

"I have an idea but I hope I'm wrong," Y/N says as she looks at Harry who gives her a knowing look

Hermione's brow furrows in concentration "boomslang skin and lacewing flies. Y/N you're sure those were the only two ingredients Snape mentioned"

"Positive, why" Y/N asks

"Well, he thinks we're brewing-"

"Polyjuice potion" Flo adds and Hermione nods

Y/N sighs her gut is telling her something is wrong, but she doesn't know what "Harry I know who the man in your dreams is"

"Really who and how," Harry says intrigued

"In dumbledore's office I went to a pensieve where I was able to see Dumbledore's memories and I saw the man" Y/N explains "His name is Bart Crouch Jr"

"Crouch's son," Ron asks and Y/N nods

"He was a Death Eater, so it makes sense why he would be with You-know-who" Y/N says and Harry stays silent

"Something's coming Y/N. It's drawing closer. I just don't know what it is" Harry says and Y/N looks out to the castle

"You and me both Harry" Y/N explains

The sun starts to set and the group start to head back to the castle. Y/N and Hermione trail behind. The Gryffindor girl clutches Y/N's arm and the Ravenclaw girl pulls her closer. They both revel in each other's company but Y/N knows that Hermione is anxious.

"Hey," Y/N says softly "what's going on in that beautiful mind of yours"

Hermione smiles and Y/N kisses her cheek "I'm just worried about tomorrow"

Y/N sighs "Hermione"

"No don't do that," the bushy-haired girl snaps "don't 'Hermione' me and expect me to be all happy again"

"I wasn't going to," Y/N says and she notices her friends have stopped to watch the exchange "could you guys give us a moment, please"

The others nod and they walk back to the castle leaving Y/N and Hermione alone "okay so what else is going on" Y/N asks

"Nothing else is going on," Hermione says not meeting Y/N's soft gaze

The Ravenclaw girl sighs and rests her hands on Hermione's waist turning her to face her. "Hermione please" she says softly and Y/N notices that there are tears in her honey-brown eyes. Y/N holds her tightly and wipes the tears away "hey your okay" she whispers softly and Hermione continues to quietly cry.

Y/N just holds Hermione tightly as she whispers comforting words to her. Eventually, Hermione calms down and wipes her tears from her cheeks and she looks at Y/N embarrassed "I'm sorry about that I just-"

"Hey you don't need to apologise for anything," Y/N says her expression loving "just please let me know whats wrong"

Hermione sighs "its about you going into the third task. I'm always going to worry about you because care about you a lot Y/N and the past three or so months have been good right"

Y/N smiles "yeah they have been good. You make me so happy 'moine but I don't understand why your upset about that"

Hermione laughs faintly "It's not about that it's just I don't want to go home and tell my parents, or in better terms I honestly don't know how to tell my parents about us"

Y/N smiles warmly "do you know if your parents are-"

"Homophobic, no they're not or at least they haven't mentioned it to me," Hermione says

"Well, thats a start," Y/N says "they are many ways you can tell your parents about us, it doesn't have to be in person if you're not comfortable with it. You can write a letter about it before we leave for the summer then that starts the conversation. And if you're not ready to tell them that's fine too, I'm okay with any decision you make alright. Just pick one that's best for you"

Hermione smiles brightly and embraces Y/N tightly and the Ravenclaw girl rests her head on the bushy-haired girl's shoulder, breathing in the vanilla-honey scent that she loves so much. They break apart and Y/N gently cups Hermione's cheek and pulls her in for a tender kiss that sends warmth throughout both their bodies.

the girls break away and rest their heads together "thank you, Y/N I'm so glad I have you in my life"

Y/N smiles and kisses Hermione's nose "me too Granger. Whatever you decide to tell you're parents, just know that'll be right by your side"

Hermione kisses Y/N's lips once more this time a little deeper than before and holds the back of Y/N's neck pulling her closer whilst the Ravenclaw's hands move to Hermione's waist. The two stay on the bridge a little while longer as they watch the sunset over the castle with their arms wrapped around each other lovingly.

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