Chapter 26 - The Graveyard

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The ground beneath their feet lurches and the sky shudders, spinning independently from the earth. The wind rises in a howl and Y/N squints, everything coming to a blur until her and Cedric land heavily on the ground.

Y/N regains consciousness and stumbles to her feet. She looks around to get a better look of her surroundings. Wherever they are it's certainly not Hogwarts. The Ravenclaw notices that the place they have landed is a graveyard, with chilling stone graves and the air turns cold. Then Y/N finally realises, it's just like Harry's dream.

"It's a portkey" Cedric says "Y/N the cup-"

"I know this place," Y/N says and Cedric studies her face "It's been in Harry's dream, the warnings-"

Suddenly a few yards away a large stone cauldron splutters. As Cedric approaches it curiously, Y/N stares at a name engraved on a nearby tombstone, 'Tom Riddle'. She knows that name, it was once You-know-who's before he was known as the dark lord.

"Y/N" Cedric asks as fear crawls over the Ravenclaw's face

"Get back to the cup, now" she finally says

"what are you talking-"

"Now!" Y/N says urgently

Suddenly a figure emerges from the mist. Slumped shoulder and clutching an oily bundle, he emerges through the tombstones. It's Wormtail.

"We need to go," Y/N says but Cedric doesn't move only raising his wand

"Who goes there," Cedric says to the figure "I'm warning you, stay back!!"

"Kill the boy," a whispering voice says

"Avada Kedavra!' Wormtail says and a flash of green light bleaches the graveyard.

"No!!" Y/N yells

Cedric hits the ground, his wand tumbling from his spasming hand. Y/N falls to her knees as she reaches out to touch the wand but it crumbles like ash in her hand. Tears a falling down her face as she watches Cedric's pupils dilate and go still.


Y/N cries on the Hufflepuff's body, wishing that he would awake. Wormtail jerks Y/N off her knees and tosses her against the front of Tom Riddle's headstone. Its stone hands fold over Y/N's arms, imprisoning her.

"Do it now" the whispered voice says and Wormtail tosses the swaddling into the cauldron. Wormtail raises his trembling wand.

"Bone of the father. unknowingly given" Wormtail recites as he places the ingredients into the cauldron "flesh of a servant, willingly sacrificed"

"Stop please let me go!!" Y/N shouts as she tries to escape

Wormtail raises his right hand and in the other a dagger as he with a sickening chop his hand falls into the cauldron and sheiks in pain. Suddenly he looks at Y/N

"Blood of a prophesied one, forcefully taken," He says as the dagger pierces Y/N's forearm and she cries out in pain as she tries to escape. Blood flows onto the dagger and then places the droplets in the cauldron. "The dark lord shall rise again"

"No" Y/N mutters as all she can do is watch in horror

The cauldron rages and the sky turns white. The wind howls and tendrils of black smoke rise from the cauldron. A shadow emerges, as if it was made of smoke itself then transforms. Smoke turns to skin and Y/N stares in disbelief.

Voldermort has returned

The dark lord studies his hands, flesh, blood and bone with a feral delight. "My wand Wormtail" he speaks. The hunched man comes forth and hands him his wand. "Hold out your arm"

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