Chapter 23 - The Pensieve

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It had been a week since Hermione and Y/N made it official and started dating and the two girls couldn't be happier. Of course, their friends knew right away when they told them and they were all very happy for the couple too.

Hermione wanted to keep their dating secret from the rest of the school for a little while longer, just until the end of the school year so she can tell her parents in person about Y/N and of course, the Ravenclaw girl agreed.

The group were in the woods close to Hagrid's hut. It was dusk and the group follow Hagrid through the trees. Hermione walks close to Y/N, hand in hand whilst the others walk slightly ahead.

"I remember when I fir' met yeh all," Hagrid says "Bigges' bunch o' misfits I e'er seen. I suppose yeh reminded me o' me a bit. Now look at us all, four years on"

"We're still a bunch of misfits," Ron says and the others laugh except for Y/N who smiles as she is completely with her own thoughts.

"Sure but we've got each other don' we?" Hagrid says with a big smile "And we've got Y/N, soon to be the youngest Triwizard champion in history"

Y/N chuckles to herself and smiles softly at her friend's cheerful voices in the gentle evening breeze. Hermione notices Y/N's absent presence and gently tugs on her arm.

"Hey are you okay, you seem a little off" the bushy-haired girl asks

Y/N smiles "I'm fine just a little tired". Hermione doesn't seem to like that answer but she doesn't push. Suddenly Y/N notices Harry start to wince as he clutches his scar. Y/N quickly makes her way over to him "Harry are you alright"

The raven-haired boy nods and looks up "Y/N look" he says and Y/N turns around and follows Harry's gaze.

Through the trees, she spies something dark lying in the bush. The two goto investigate where they are met with a shocking sight. They both stand frozen as they stare at the sight before them. There lies Barty Crouch motionless on the ground, dead.

"Hagrid!" Y/N finally calls getting the halve giants' attention


Y/N approaches Dumbledore's office, the Ravenclaw girl only assuming it was something to do with what her and Harry saw last night. As Y/N approaches, she can hear voices within.

"If you take the necessary measures Cornelius, we may still be able to save the situation" Dumbledore explains

"Cancel the Triwizard tournament! You can't be serious Albus" Cornelius Fudge says "It would be an international incident. And as Minister of Magic, I must say the last thing we need is-"

"I admit it would take courage" Dumbledore cuts off "But courage is what's needed now"

"Excuse me gentlemen but it might interest you to know this conversation is no longer private," Moody says as he opens the door to two wizards and they see Y/N standing there.

Fudge puts on his best face and smiles at her "Y/N, how good to see you again"

Y/N smiles awkwardly "I can come back sir-"

"That won't be necessary Y/N, the Minister and I are done," Dumbeldore says as he walks Moody and Fudge both out of the room. "I won't be long," the Headmaster says and Y/N makes her way over to the Pheonix, Fawkes.

"Hello Fawkes" she cooes but the phoenix remains mute. Y/N eyes the bowl of snaps, she reaches out and watches in horror as the sweets swarm her hand, tiny black teeth nipping her knuckles as she tries to brush them off. "Son of a-"

Before she can finish her sentence she can hear Dumbledore chuckle "Not the nicest sweets are they" he says and Y/N laughs softly

"You're not wrong sir," Y/N says and the Headmaster smiles.

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