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This beautiful Saturday morning,Anabelle lay on her bed wondering about her impromptu research yesterday where she went through her family records looking at photos and paintings searching for any ancestor or relative who looked like her or at least had her colouring, but she found none.
Maybe this was God's gift to her.
    Anabelle sat up quickly as she heard the approaching footsteps down the hall. Her mother burst through the door and looked about the room with an annoyed expression on her face.
"Anabelle? Are you up? " her mother asked the minute she saw Anabelle.
"oh yes you are, what are you doing ? did you forget we are having guests today? Get out of bed and go freshen up. I'll send Tony up to run you a bath." her mother said answering her own question . Gracie McAvery went straight to the closet to bring out a dress for her daughter.
"Good morning Mother. And no need to ring for tony i can run a bath myself." Anabelle replied.
"Nonsense! What are servants for?" Gracia said with disdain. She returned to rummaging through the closet muttering under her breath. Anabelle did not bother straining her ears to hear what her mother said. She got up from the bed and stretched lazily. Gracia stopped her rummaging to find to dresses which weren't even suitable. They were sea green and black respectively. She draped them on her arms and stared at her daughter with tired eyes.
"we would have to go shopping, i cant seem to find a suitable dress. I don't want you looking like a mannequin" . Gracia said as Anabelle's mouth dropped open in surprise .
"shopping?! Now? Oh mother i thought we are having guests!" Anabelle said raising her voice a little.
"Yes we are having guests all the more reason to go shopping. You cant wear these dresses"        

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