chapter 8.

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     Author's note.
Hi guys! So, it was my birthday on Thursday and I just want to say that I'm officially an adult. Yay!
So this is my birthday update.
Thanks so much, my readers for your support.
God bless you 🙏✌️.
                  Chapter 8.
    People some times say that the rainbow comes after the storm. The one person who could use a rainbow right now was Anabelle.  She was swarmed with work and the scowling McAllister still hasn't responded. Although he did call Anabelle's father, the outcome of that particular conversation still wasn't known. Anabelle just prayed that all would go well. Things were actually looking better for some other people, namely, Imelda. For the two weeks that Anabelle has been waiting for a response, Imelda had been going on dates back to back with Dorian. She now permanently looked stunning as she'd die before she was caught otherwise. She walked about the house talking on top of her voice until everyone was up to date with her progress. Her mother was estactic but Anabelle couldn't care less. But it was apparent that Dorian really did like Imelda how ever that happened.
         This hectic Monday afternoon, Anabelle got a call from her dad to head over quickly to the McAllister offices that a meeting had been set. She in turn abandoned all her other work and went there immediately. She hurried so as to be done with it quickly,why Dorian disliked her so much was beyond her. When she got there , she prepared herself for what ever she would meet there and went in. She was promptly directed to McAllister's office thankfully. She knocked gingerly as she said a short prayer. A strong voice bid her to enter.
    Anabelle march in and her eyes flew open in shock. Sitting on Dorian's laps and talking animatedly was her immediate older sister, Imelda.  Her talk was so animated, it was a sight. Anabelle wiped the shock off her face. Deep down she reasoned, her sister certainly moved fast, I mean it's barely been two weeks and she was already sitting on him, marking her territory, trying to eliminate threats. Although, where the threat would come from was unknown. I guess it was love at first sight. Anabelle sighed and walked in proper, shutting the door behind her.
"Good afternoon." Anabelle said immediately after clearing her throat. They both looked up quickly and Imelda's expression changed from excited to borderline furious.
"What are you doing here?" Imelda demanded.
Anabelle crossed her arms in front of her and replied.
"I am here on business, father sent me."
" Don't be ridiculous." Imelda scoffed. Anabelle sighed, thinking hard about her response. She didn't want to piss Imelda off.
"I'm serious, you can call him if you like."
"So he couldn't come himself he had to send you. Freak of nature. What could you possibly know?". Imelda asked callously. Anabelle clammed up and her expression turned grave.
"Look, I'm sorry ok? He is busy and I didn't know you were here." Anabelle said, trying not to cry.
"Now that you know, leave." Imelda said and turned back to Dorian who was watching them curiously. Anabelle suddenly hated the office, it seems some one was always kicking her out every time she was in there.
"Mr McAllister..." Anabelle turned to him for support, surely he was the reason she was there in the first place.
"What on earth do you mean by that?! So I should leave because  of your stupid business?!" Imelda yelled utterly incensed.
"Please! I'd come another time but he himself said today." Anabelle said quickly turning to Dorian the minute she was done.  Imelda flew out of Dorian's thighs and was headed for Anabelle but Dorian held her back.
"Emm, love, she's right I'm afraid, why don't you go home now and I promise I will take you out to dinner tonight." Dorian said softly.
"But, it's..."
"I promise, I'll make to up to you. It's business, I really need to attend to it. Forgive me." Dorian said smiling softly at Imelda. He looked terribly handsome then, Anabelle looked up in wonder, so he could actually smile, she thought and shook her head and watched them, Dorian indeed looked smitten with her sister.
"Oh alright, dinner it is. Good bye."  Imelda said finally and started to go.
"Bye love, tonight." Dorian said and was about going to his sit before Imelda grabbed him and kissed him soundly on the mouth.
"I'll deal with this later." Imelda whispered to Anabelle and left finally. Anabelle sighed and thanked  God silently.
Dorian sat on his swinging chair looking every bit a billionaire, with his Italian suit, tailored to fit, but  slightly creased. He steepled his fingers and looked expectantly at her .
"So ..." Anabelle took a sit and trailed off at the sight of her proposal. It was still at the exact same spot she left it. Apparently he didn't even bother looking at it .
"You didn't look at my proposal." She stated matter of factly. Dorian flicked his wrist and said he was busy. Anabelle suddenly grew annoyed at his nonchalance.
"If you are not interested just say so, so as not to waste anyone's time."
"Do not! Take that tone with me ,kid!. Most of us don't sit all day, Push papers around the desk and go home claiming to have worked." Dorian said getting angry too, what was this anyway? Mr. McAvery, shoving his last daughter in his face claiming she was qualified. Nonesense! The lady in question lost all her colour and started to get up.
"You just insulted me." Anabelle said with deathly calm.
"Ahhh you've grown wise." Dorian taunted.
"You are always insulting me. Every time. I see you are not interested, I'll take it where they would be interested." Anabelle said quietly and started to leave the office.
"Anabelle!" Dorian called.
"That's miss McAvery to you." Anabelle retorted, not hiding her anger, the guy was insufferable. Even now, he was smiling smugly, and getting up to  come and meet her. Anabelle was very serious. She would have gone back to her father to tell him that Dorian wasn't interested if he hadn't called her.
"There now, no need to go off in a tiff. Have a sit." Dorian said still smiling, he grabbed her shoulders and pushed her gently back on her sit. He then went back to his, while Anabelle struggled to calm down.
"I don't think it's up to you to make that decision."
"That's no excuse to call my work paper pushing."
"I wouldn't know what you do in that fancy office of yours."
"All the more reason you should not talk about it." Anabelle responded In like manner. She decided she wouldn't let him treat her badly. This was business.
"You've got a mouth on you. Great. Let me see that proposal of yours.".


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