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    The drive home had Anabelle dreading the dinner even more. After today, she probably would never shop in a unisex store ever again. Just so she would not run into that awful man. He was so mean! He didn't even know her! He just went off like a broken toy. Gosh! " Albinos have bad eyesight." Where did he come of thinking he could make scathing comments like that? Anabelle was very much annoyed, so she began to think of heaven and how pleasant it was going to be. Oh the joys! It did help a bit. She began to relax some, but then her mom began talking again.
" Anabelle, you probably didn't know this, but we are having dinner with the McAllisters. It took a lot of work for me to get them over exclusively. But thank God it happened. Now Mrs McAllister has assured me that her very eligible son is coming to the dinner. Please! Do Not! Disgrace me. No talking nonesence, no slouching, and we will get some colour into that face of yours even if I have to pinch you silly to get it. Do I make myself clear?" Gracia said with all the seriousness she could muster and Anabelle nodded demurly. One of her daughters will be married to that eligible McAllister, she would make sure of it. Now a dinner that would herald good tidings was well under way and despite Anabelle's strange and unmanageable complexion, her last daughter was going to look stunning. For Gracia did not care which daughter gets the catch although she had an  idea of the daughter the guy was probably going to fall in love with.

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