part 2

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   Anabelle was in her element. she totally transformed from the seemingly bashful person that she was into a different matter all together. She got down to the Crux of the matter and explained everything so expertly that McAllister was nodding his head approvingly. She told him of the various properties that they had and which one would be ideal for the hotel he wanted, and when she  got to the settlement plan, they haggled. The presentation was brilliant and even Anabelle herself was impressed by his vast business knowledge.
"For the profit, I say 70/30 . 70 for us, 30 for you." Anabelle stated authoritatively.
"70/30! Don't be ridiculous." Dorian scoffed.
"I think it is appropriate since we will be doing all the work, while you sit in your office." Anabelle countered, animatedly.
"I'm still the one who is buying, this price isn't feasible, I say 60/40." Dorian said with finality in his voice.
"Great! 60/40 was what I was aiming for anyway. So go through the samples and pick whatever you like. If the options are not enough, I will bring my laptop to show you a host of other variety myself." Anabelle said and gathered her stuff into her large hand bag. Dorian pointed out some things to her and she began to confidently explain them to him, at some point, he zoned out and began scrutinizing her. There was colour in her cheeks making her look more like a human than a mannequin. He realized that Anabelle was definitely qualified for the job and was so much more brilliant than her air headed sister, no offense.
"I trust you are satisfied with my explanation, Mr McAllister. I'll be on my way now." Anabelle said quietly and stood up to leave, unnerved by his blatant scrutiny.
"Even better. I've had enough Anabelle viewing time for one day. I hope I don't get nightmares. At least I know you talk better than you look."
And here I was thinking you had changed. Anabelle thought ruefully. She wanted to say something but God told her to be quiet. It wasn't worth it anyway. Let the guy think what he wants. Hers is to do the work and leave the rest.
"Thank you for your time Mr McAllister, good day." Anabelle said instead and started to leave.
"You know, red looks good on you, just don't spill anything on it." Dorian called after her but she didn't even dignify that with a response. She left the office and closed the door behind her willing herself not to cry. Crying was useless, it will never solve the problem, not when Imelda had already laid the foundation. She'd better get use to it,
He was the least of her worries. Imelda was at home waiting for her, and she was dreading every second of it. Anabelle gathered her thoughts and left subsequently.
Dorian sat in his office and fought the guilt he felt for his unnecessaryly insulting comments. He was edgy and sad. Tomorrow was a large McAllister family dinner and he was dreading every minute of the wait. It was no excuse to be down right condescending. He gave in and said a prayer.
"I'm sorry Lord..." Dorian whispered. His family issue was killing him. And there was no respite. Perhaps he should look forward to his dinner with Imelda, maybe staring at her face would make him forget his pain.
   Anabelle got home bone tired and ran straight into a scowling Imelda, apparently, she has been waiting all day for Anabelle. Anabelle immediately started to fret.
"Start talking!"
"Imelda, I promise you I had nothing to do with this, you can ask father, he put me up to this." Anabelle explained quickly, as Imelda continued glaring at her with hate in her eyes.
"He put you up to this Hun, you liar! You want to take him from me!" Imelda screamed like a lunatic.
"No! That is not true! I didn't even know you were dating him. Please believe me." Anabelle pleaded.
"Whatever you do, get your self off that contract, I do not want you any where near Dorian." Imelda warned with false calm.
"Imelda please! Dad is swarmed with work. I have to help him." Anabelle pleaded but imelda was beyond reasoning.
"I don't care, stay away from him or so help me you will pay." Imelda said menacenly and stormed out of the sitting room.
"Imelda you don't understand! Please! Imelda! Imelda!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2023 ⏰

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