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A special thanks to every single one of my readers. You guys are the best no lies. And u put a smile on my face. So God bless you all 🙏. Here's an update, feel free to vote and comment!

       "Anabelle!" Gracia called harshly as she got to Anabelle's door. She was accompanied by Genevieve and Imelda. Without waiting for a response,she shoved the door open and walked in with the both of them. They met Anabelle standing just in front of the room fidgeting and looking fearful. They all scrutinized Anabelle with expressions ranging from distaste to mockery.
"Wow! What did they do to her? She almost looks pretty!" Genevieve said mockingly, turning to her mother for concordance.
" Indeed, those makeup guys are very good, I almost forgot how ugly she can be." Imelda sneered. The words stung Anabelle but she kept her gaze down and said nothing.
"She has to look pretty, I paid dearly for it." Gracia retorted, examining the results. The emerald dress fitted Anabelle well, it was sleeveless and ankle length, with a fleyed skirt and beautiful flowery designs on it. Her false nails was painted in a lovely shade of lavender and the colours on her face were warm and showy, She looked very good indeed . Gracia began scowling and Anabelle's hand flew to her bare neck.
"What about the necklace?!" Gracia demanded, the necklace was a pretty emerald locket with a scratchy chain that made Anabelle uncomfortable when she put it on.
" Please mom, no necklace tonight". Anabelle begged her face full of dread. Gracia glared at her.
"Put it on Anabelle! Now that we've managed to make you look alive you want to ruin it with no necklace. Go and put it on!"
"Please mom! It's itchy!"
" I don't care! Put it on now!"
Gracia yelled at her daughter, Anabelle hung her head and marched to her dressing table. She yanked open to drawer and brought out the offending necklace. With a long suffering sigh, she put it on.
" Goodness! Your sisters never give me so much trouble. Now listen to me, no slouching, no clumsy attitude and no mistakes! Is that understood?" Gracia warned.
"Yes mother." Anabelle replied quietly.she looked up and found Imelda watching her with disdain.
"Try not to disgrace the family Anabelle, we know it can be hard for you but do make an effort. so long, Paleface" Imelda said, a false smile on her face and started to leave, the others following. Anabelle felt the hatred more than she saw it. This was the reason she was treated like scum, the reason she spent ten years away from this house.
     It had always been like this. Imelda calling her names and treating her badly while her mother stood by and watched. She never said a word against her goddess like daughter, she never said anything about Imelda's behaviour, instead she would complain about Anabelle's complexion and how much trouble it caused. Anabelle was the wronged one, she was the victim, yet they sent her away. For ten years she had stayed with her uncle and his wife from her father's side. These were her true family, she felt loved and cherished by them. But here, she always wondered if she was truly their daughter. Only her father treated her well. He was her only ally in the house full of hostilities. He held her hands and prayed for her and encouraged her with the word of God. It made life bearable for Anabelle in the McAvery house. Every one else was horrid to her. Genevieve was never truly abusive, but she was mostly in league with them. Even her only brother who was away at the moment was no better. He acted like she didn't exist and sometimes made comments on her colouring. May be it was because of her long time absence. Ten years she stayed in Britain with her uncle. she even sounded British now, such a long time. Still, no change, she still wished she was back in England.

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