Chapter 4

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        Anabelle paced round and round the room, then she got tired and sat on her bed sighing softly. They have probably forgotten about her, she thought. So she would give herself a few minutes to gather her thoughts and then she would go downstairs. Anabelle waited for ten minutes, sitting on the bed with her head bowed, then when it was time she walked gingerly out of her bed room. Her heart began to beat wildly so she prayed for peace. she descended the stairs carefully then crossed the sitting room leading to the large dining room they were using. She marveled at the exquisite decorations and looked straight ahead at the equally beautifully decorated dining room.
   She was right, they forgot about her because they were currently sitting and chatting amongst themselves as the servants placed lots of fine looking food on the large dining table which was decorated with red roses and scented candles. As she came closer, her father sighted her and smiled apologetically, she smiled back and nodded at him as she walked on. Suddenly, Anabelle stopped dead in her tracks. She nearly fainted as the shock hit her like a bolt of lightning. She had never been so shocked, sitting with her family and his family also, no doubt, was the guy from the unisex store! That terribly rude human being! Anabelle laughed inwardly. After vowing never to visit that unisex store, so she would not ever meet him again, here he was sitting in her house! In her dining table as a guest at her mother's dinner! She laughed again at the cruel trick some one was playing on her. Anabelle shook her head as if to check if she was imagining things but he was still there, looking even better than the last time she saw him. His tux was grey and expensive looking, and he still didn't wear any tie. His very dark hair was brushed forward to brushed his forehead. His eyes was still steely gray but they weren't mocking, they were staring endearingly at someone. She followed his gaze and saw that it rested on Imelda.
     Ah! Imelda. Beautiful Imelda. Still lovely as ever. Of course he would stare. It was the most natural thing in the world for people to stare. God did wonders with her face no doubt. It's a very nice piece of God's work.
     Anabelle pulled the chair next to her mother and sat down. The arrangement was like this: James McAvery sat at the beginning, his usual seat as he was the head of the family, by his right was Anabelle followed by Gracia, then Genevieve finally, Imelda. By the right, sat, Mrs Amelia McAllister followed by Dorian and finally his father, Mr McAllister. This was how they were seated. Amelia looked up suddenly and stared at Anabelle looking confused.
"Who is this?" She asked.
" Oh" Gracia said and chuckled slightly and continued.
"This is my last born, Anabelle."
"Wow! Lovely to meet you dear." Amelia responded looking at her apraisingly and smiling. Anabelle got up and greeted every one on the table and courtesied at the guests. David McAllister smiled at her and replied to her greeting. Dorian's eyes flickered towards her without any form of recognition then it return back to Imelda.
  After the pleasantries were exchanged, the chatting resumed in earnest. Soon all the appetiser was served, it was wurtsalat, and red herring salad and a host of other American appetisers. James McAvery was called upon to bless the meal and open the event.
" Good evening everyone! Welcome to dinner! Let's pray: heavenly father, we thank you for making this day possible, we thank you for the food.we ask that you sanctify the food and bless it, cause us all to have a good time and remain blessed in Jesus name I pray, amen."  James ended and every one said their amens. Then the night began in earnest. Dorian dug in to his German dish and commented on its deliciousness. Gracia was pleased. Anabelle talked with her father in low tones. Then the discussion shifted to business, for a while the men dominated the discussion with it concluding on a very good note. They decided that they would embark on a project together. James handed Dorian his business card. They ate appetisers and moved on to the main meal.
    Amelia asked the question she had been wondering about since Anabelle came in.
" Gracia, love, I didn't know you had a 'third' daughter." Gracia laughed nervously
" She has been away for some time. She only just came back after bagging her university degree." Gracia said
"Oh, that's good. What did you study?" Amelia asked directing the question to Anabelle who originally wasn't listening.
"What? Oh! I studied business management  and administration." Anabelle answered. The woman beamed at her.
"Wow! That's great!" Amelia exclaimed. Then she wondered again
"If you only went away for school I still should have seen you before, your family basically attends most of the events I attend. And I see them some times but I have never even for once seen you before. Yes, this is the first time I'm meeting everyone and knowing their names but,I know them by sight. I just haven't seen you before. I hope you understand." Amelia explained, eager to know the end of the matter. Gracia stiffened and her smile froze on her face. Anabelle stared at her mother unsure, as her mother dropped her hand beside her. But she didn't do anything, for now.
"I've been away for a long time. Ten--" Anabelle cut her self short as her mother hit her on the thigh.
"Yes, she was away at England with her uncle and aunt, they love her so much." Gracia said quickly nodding vigorously. Gosh! So nosy Gracia thought irritably.
"Oh, now I understand. You talk British some, and you look very aristocratic!" Amelia said sounding content. Anabelle smiled broadly. Thinking, my day has just been made! Thank God!


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