part 2

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"I'm sorry, but I think you've got it wrong. I am not albino." Anabelle said quickly hiding her annoyance and disappointment. The man lifted and eyebrow and moved closer peering into her face. He would have touched her if he didn't quickly remind himself that she was human, to him she didn't look it at all.
"You are pale then, too pale. Are you sure there is nothing wrong with your eyesight?" The man asked, his expression bordering on disdain. Anabelle pursed her lips and refused to respond. His expression angered and hurt Anabelle so that she wanted to be done with it all.
"I'm sorry I hit you. Happy shopping" Anabelle said and turned to go back the way she came. The sound of throat clearing stopped her short.
" I hope you find what you are looking for, albinos have limited clothing options colour wise..." The man said and trailed off.
"I,---" Anabelle turned and said but stopped her self quickly. His look dared her to speak but she contented her self with a cold half smile and stalked off. She blinked back sudden tears determined not to cry. The man was obviously spoiling for some kind of altercation, but she won't be a willing victim. She hoped her mother was done with whatever she was doing so the could get out of this awful place.she was not likely to come back here , not after that horrible encounter. She returned to the dresses section and found her mother holding up a transparent bag containing an emerald dress with intricate designs on it. Gracia looked up and grimace.
" Oh good you're here--"
"Mom, can we go now?"
"Well I searched for so long for a suitable dress and couldn't find any , so I went to the shopping assistant and explained my predicament and she found this assuring me that it would fit, not that you care." Gracia said scowling and holding up the bag for Anabelle to see. But she was very satisfied, her daughter would not come out looking like a mannequin. Anabelle apologized for leaving her and thanked her also. She did not tell her mom about the horrid creature she met, that was something for her journal to know about. Her mother smiled in response and they went to pay for their wares and left the boutique consequently.

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