Chapter three

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   The McAvery house was in a festive spirit. There was constant moving around and the kitchen was a tremendous sight, so much food! Mostly German because Gracia had been updated about Dorian McAllister's love for German cuisine. The workers had been working non stop in the mansion. The drapes had been changed, silver polished floors scrubbed clean and even new decoration was added. The people they were trying to impress were VIPs so everything had to be in pristine condition. Gracia, satisfied with the looks of everything decided to check out her daughters to see how they were faring. They would have gone to the spa and the saloon to get dolled up but Gracia decided not to spare the cost. She had the spa attendants and make up artists and hair stylists come over to the house to beautify her daughters and her.

  Gracia went to her eldest daughter and first Born's room and found her getting a pedicure. Genevieve, a stunning blonde with golden brown eyes looked up from the magazine she was reading and smiled at her mother.
" Good day mother, how are preparations for the dinner going?"
" It's coming along, the house looks nice enough and the dishes don't taste bad" Gracia replied shrugging as she walked slowly into the room surveying the beautician's work. Her daughter looked lovely, her beautifully tanned skin glowed and her false nails was fixed perfectly. Genevieve smiled wryly, trust her mother to downplay good work, so very hard to please. She was positive that the decorations were superb after all, the designer was top notch, and the chef definitely out did himself. This was the dinner of the century he dare not mess up.
Her mother was wringing her hands now, probably worrying her self sick because of some other non existent problem.
"What now mother?" Genevieve asked, not really interested.
" I wish we went with the blue drapes the designer suggested. The brown ones look tacky, they do not match the floors." Gracia replied, an irritated look on her face. Genevieve sighed some what tired.
"The drapes are fine mother".
" Ugh! It's hopeless. What can I even do now? It's nearly three pm."
"What time is the dinner?"
" Six sharp. " Gracia replied. She was standing in front of Genevieve and peering into her face, looking for flaws. Finding none, she went straight to the hair and decided that the style was utter rubbish using her own words. She yelled for the stylist and demanded for a better style. Genevieve did not argue.  Gracia began worrying about the drapes and the overall decorations again.
" Those dratted drapes! Goodness! And I think I saw creases one the wall paper, we are public relations People! Our house can't look like a run down Victorian cottage, with all that money we paid!" Gracia said pacing and gesticulating. Genevieve grew very weary.
" Mother, please stop worrying about the drapes. Those people will probably be too busy staring at Imelda to look at your drapes. Gosh mom!" Genevieve Said,  exasperated. Gracia sighed in defeat.
" You are probably right. I worry too much, some times I forget that God blessed me with two utterly beautiful daughters." Gracia said smiling softly. Genevieve smiled in return she was secretly please at the compliment. They were very rare, those compliments. She was beautiful no doubt, but next to Imelda, she was nothing.
Imelda was very likely the most beautiful woman in all of Holder town. Her face made you want to weep for joy. It was that pretty. Gracia's sudden gasp snapped her out of her thoughts.
"My word! Anabelle! I better go see what they have done with her. God help me!" Gracia said and rushed out of the room
"Good luck with that!" Genevieve called out after her mother and promptly returned to her reading.

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