chapter 6

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    Anabelle was twelve when IT happened. The big fight. She knew her siblings didn't like her that much, mainly because of her looks and how she couldn't wear many colours but, it didn't matter. God loved her and her father did too. He constantly reminded her of that, James did. He made living in the McAvery house more bearable. Anabelle grew up listening to and swallowing insults, the very worse from Imelda. She had also known that Imelda absolutely hated her but she didn't think it was bad.
      Anabelle, at twelve was very tall. She was nearly as tall as her much older sisters although, She wasn't developed, she could still wear something that would fit them. Imelda and Anabelle always fought, sometimes for toys and clothes, their parents made it worse by taking sides. The bullying was worse for Anabelle, so she grew quiet and lonely, she was only ever happy at church as she found Jesus early. Their parents began to worry about their constant bickering.
     One day after a forced shopping trip_ Anabelle hated shopping because of her mother's complaints about colours and complexion and she only ever enjoyed shopping when she was with her dad.
So they had gone for the shopping trip and her dad went with them, so Gracia's complaints that day was very minimal. Yes, it was still forced but Anabelle ended up enjoying herself because at the end, her father bought her a beautiful lilac dress which suited her completely even with all the talk about unsuitable colours. Everyone had gone for the shopping trip so they were present when the dress was bought. Imelda, who always wanted everything Anabelle had especially if it was from their father, had a problem with it.
      After the shopping, an excited Anabelle ran up stairs to her bed room to admire her beautiful dress. She sat on her bed and held the dress daydreaming about what to do with it. She thought she would wear it to church, with her suede shoes and curl her hair. She continued her daydream until the slam of her door snapped her out of it.
Imelda at fifteen was stunning indeed, but her face was marred by a scowl. Anabelle quickly flung her dress behind her and rested on it already knowing what this was about.
"The dress, hand it over." Imelda said, her voice dripping venom. Anabelle hid her fear and returned the stare.
"What dress?" Anabelle asked innocently.
"The lilac dress, dummy,  hand it over."
"But it's mine."
" Give me the dress now!" Imelda warned.
"But you hate lilac." Anabelle reasoned.
"I don't care, give me now!" Imelda yelled losing her cool.
It's mine, melly. I can't give it to you." Anabelle said using Imelda's pet name and leaning back in to her dress.
"Yours? And what right do you think you have to own fancy gifts?! It would look hideous on you whilst I'd look pretty in it. Father was wrong to give it to you so hand it over!"
"Please, Mel, I don't want to fight over something that is clearly mine." Anabelle said with a plea.
"How dare you!! You freak!" In a flash, Imelda was on her and began pulling her away to get to the dress. Anabelle shoved her back but she didn't fall of the bed. Her face concorted in a rage, she pulled Anabelle to the middle of the bed and started slamming her down on it. Anabelle yelled in fright.
"Ahhh let go of me! Get off me!" Anabelle shrieked as her head began to ache from hitting the bed too often.
"You piece of garbage! You filth! You delude yourself with your foolish fancy! You don't deserve that dress_"
"Get off! You're hurting me! Please !" Anabelle cried out. Imelda left her for a minute to take the dress that was lying there because Anabelle was no longer on it but Anabelle grabbed as best as she could because Imelda was still on her, they wrestled for it for some time before Anabelle's finger nicked Imelda's hand. Her finger nail was long so it drew blood, Imelda stared at it in shock.
"You witch! You nicked me!"
"Sorry, it was an accident! I didn't mean to " Anabelle said quickly, her face full of fear, but she knew she was going to get it. Imelda, with more fury than she'd felt in a long time, grabbed the dress and pressed it hard on Anabelle's face. Anabelle began trashing about, it made Imelda's hand shift a little bit so she was able to call for rescue. She let out an ear splitting screech, so loud, James and Andrew, his son, sorting out business papers in the dining room abandoned their work to see what the ruckus was about.
Imelda rightened her hand and settled heavily on her sister very intent on shutting her up. She was beyond reason. Anabelle writhed about under her, she was so focused she didn't see her father and brother come in until her brother yanked her off anabelle and flung her aside. She was up in a flash and ready to go again but her father shoved her back, while Anabelle scrambled out of the bed her face Scarlett from lack of air.
"Get back! Have you lost your mind?!" James shouted.
"Are you trying to murder her? You were smothering her." Andrew put in utterly shocked.
"Stay out of it Andrew! Give it here!" She yelled again referring to the dress. Anabelle quickly flung the dress at her.
"Take it! It isn't worth my life!"Anabelle said and dashed out of the room.
"She needs to go."
"Stop talking."
"Let Anabelle go somewhere else. It's the only way." Gracia said earnestly, watching her husband whose back was turned to her.
"This! Is your fault." James spat in anger.
"My fault? You bought her the dress!"
"So, I can't buy dresses for one without the other trying to kill her?"
"That's why she needs to leave. She can't stay here anymore." Gracia said struggling to hold her temper. James sighed and leaned on the dresser in their large bedroom.
" Where would she go?" He asked quietly.
"She could go and stay with your brother in Oxford." Gracia suggested eagerly, wanting to be done with the whole drama.
"For how long?"
"For a few weeks, just so it would die down. It's for the best."
" Do what ever you want." James said resignedly and turned back to his window, while he's wife went to make preparations.
      So a few weeks became months and the months turned to ten years, yet, there was still no change.
Anabelle lived and trived in Oxford, England. She grew up, loved Jesus and bagged her degree before returning home, home to where it just might have grown worse...

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