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     Dorian, after yelling and pushing papers around decided to go shopping for the dinner his mother told him about. He barely came back,  now he was going to some dinner to see some marriageble ladies no doubt. His parents were the only nice thing about his family and his mom was truly an angel. She was a true Christian, very committed, very kind and generous. Even the feuding McAllisters rarely had problems with her, so he just had to go .
   The shopping trip turned out well except that he bumped into a red head with skin so  white she looked sick. He  thought she was albino but she claimed she wasn't. But he was unnecessarily demeaning.
    Dorian shook his head to dislodge the thoughts but the guilt lingered. He went home to prepare for the dinner, who knows? It might actually take his mind of family issues and the like. Plus, it wouldn't be bad if he found someone he liked. He hadn't dated anyone ever since his German girlfriend broke his heart. Sad, sad story. Not even worth telling, in fact, that was the only bad thing about Germany. Otherwise, it was a pretty nice place to be in. The language, unique, not to mention the food gosh! Lovely cuisine very different from his home dish, he actually fell in love with it.
But now he was home and there was this dinner...

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