PT 2

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  Anabelle sat very still and tried not to squirm as strange people poked and prodded at her, trying to make her look beautiful at least. Gracia burst in to room startling everyone present. She walked towards Anabelle sitting demurly while the hair stylist and manicurist worked on her and stared at her daughter. she hummed, satisfied at what she saw. She began walking about Anabelle's room still watching the beauticians when she sighted Anabelle's emerald green dress lying on the bed. She ran quickly to it and picked it up.
" Who brought this dress out, and why was it lying on the bed?" Gracia asked, a look of annoyance on her face.
" I asked a question!" Gracia said again when no one replied her.
" I did, mom" Anabelle replied quietly dreading the likely scolding.
"Are you daft? Did you not think that they could spill something on it?" Gracia shouted totally displeased.
" I got it out before they came in mother. They attacked me, I didn't have the opportunity to get it back in side my closet." Anabelle said in the most respectful voice she could muster. Her mother began ranting about how long it took her to find the dress and how hard it was too. Anabelle felt very uncomfortable, did she have to do it in front of the strangers? Gracia took the dress to the closet and put it inside slamming the closet door behind it.
" The dress does not come out until you are ready to wear it, is that clear?"
" Yes mother." Anabelle answered quickly.
Gracia turned to go but stopped suddenly a surprised look on her face.
"What are you doing?!" Anabelle started to reply before she noticed that her mother wasn't talking to her, rather, to the hair stylist. "I have decided to put her hair down. But in a very nice style" the stylist answered confidently. Gracia glared at her.
" No! Put it up. Put it all up, not a single strand of hair should be left down. Anabelle likes to hide behind her hair, put everything up." Gracia demanded and started to leave.
" But ma'am, the style doesn't go with the  dress." The blonde ,professional looking hair stylist responded, hoping the woman will reconsider, instead she received a glare ,worse than the former.
" You will do what I ask! The nerve of you to offer your useless opinion. After all the money I paid. Goodness! And make sure her makeup is flawless. Understood?"
With that Gracia stormed out of the room muttering to her self about her nerves being strained.
The time flew by quickly and now it was nearly six pm. Gracia, looking regal in her golden dress and expensive jewelry decided to go and check out her favourite daughter, Imelda. Gracia walked gingerly to her daughter's bedroom and knocked. A sonorous voice bid her to enter. Gracia walked in and a smiled broke out on her perfectly made-up face. Imelda looked like a goddess. The make up artist was putting finishing touches to her work. The end result was indeed stunning. Imelda's dress was ivory coloured with lacy trimmings.
It was off shoulder and was caught at the waist with a lacy band. It hugged her curves and flered out at the middle of her legs all the was down. Her shoes were of those colourless variety. Gracia couldn't stop smiling, Imelda's skin glistening under the bright,room lighting. And her oh so beautiful face made Gracia so very proud to be her mother.
"You like?" Imelda said smiling smugly.
"I love it Imelda! You look absolutely gorgeous!" Gracia gushed out. Imelda laughed out loud.
" My guests should prepare to be blown away" Gracia continued, surveying the flawless look.
" Brace up mother, you just might be prepareing for a wedding sooner than you think" Imelda said with all the confidence in the world. She knew her power and she was prepared to use it tonight. The McAllisters were in for a surprise.
" I don't doubt it for a second." Gracia said, very pleased at her daughter. Imelda laughed again and got up from the chair to spin around immediately the artist was done.
"Ah my love, finish up quickly. It's nearly time." Gracia said with a sigh.
" I will be right down".
Anabelle paced around in her room already  dressed. She prayed silently to God for help. She prayed that she would not make any mistakes today. her mother would have her head if she did. She was tensed, this dinner was going to be so much trouble ,she wished she wasn't even going. But she had to .
"Oh God please help me please!" Anabelle prayed desperately. Someone yelled her name harshly.
" God please!".

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