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Tony turned to greet Anabelle with a smug smile on his face. Anabelle answered and walked gingerly to her closet. She used to have a small crush on Tony but it died away after finding out that Tony was arrogant and a player. She knew of his various escapades with maids in the chateau including her sister, the one directly her senior. The feeling was wasted on him. Tony went to the bathroom and ran the bath,after that, he left the room shutting the door behind him. Anabelle said her prayers and freshened up quickly,she didn't want her mother yelling again. After her bath, she put on a denim jeans,  a gray baggy sweater with black flats. She then packed her hair up in a pony tail and didn't even bother with make up. After spraying herself with perfume she left her bedroom finally and went straight to her dad's. When she didn't find him there, she went to his study.
    A smile appeared on her face as she sighted her dad who was already sited at his desk busy with paper work. The study was wide and airy and the interior decor was superb and fitted James McAvery's personality.
"Good morning Daddy!" Anabelle greeted warmly, she approached his huge mahogany desk still smiling.
"Bella! Good morning, did u sleep well?" James said and opened his arms for a warm embrace. Anabelle went round the desk to embrace her dad.
" Yes daddy ,thank you. But dad, isn't it too early ?" She asked referring to the paper work he was busy with.
"You know what they say Bella, the early bird catches the worm. Besides I have work left undone yesterday so I had to finish it" James replied spreading the papers wide on his desk. Anabelle frowned  disapprovingly at the papers and replied:
"Oh father, you are always working. Take a break some time."
"Yes dear, but you know I have to work. To keep the money coming eh?" James said and smiled conspirationally at his daughter who laughed in return.
"Well, rightly said. Mother can be very demanding."
"Ah! She gets it." James said leaning back in his chair. Anabelle pulled one of the visitors chair and sat close to her dad.
"Speaking of which, what's this about having guests today?" Anabelle said just as soon as she had settled down in her seat.
"Well, I'm not too sure, just that they are coming for dinner and are very important people." James said and shrugged.
"Ugh! Guests! Now I have to go shopping" Anabelle muttered, unhappy about the shopping trip and the imminent dinner.
" Don't worry my dear, God will see us through what ever ordeal that awaits us at dinner, you__"
"Anabelle! My goodness! Whatever am I going to do with you!" Gracia burst into the study cutting her husband off. Anabelle got up quickly and replaced the chair at it's former position.

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