part 4

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    Gracia replied her and dumped the dresses on an arm chair near the closet. "Mother, can I just wear the black one instead of going shopping?"
"Don't argue with me!"
"I am not arguing! I am just asking if i could wear the black dress! Ugh!". Anabelle retorted and threw her hands up in the air.
"No you cant wear the black dress, God knows we have enough trouble with your complexion. Look, we're going shopping and that's it!". Gracia said with  authority in her voice. Anabelle sighed and sat back down on her bed. There was nothing she could do to change her mother's mind, Anabelle didn't understand why her mother bothered, didn't she have something more important to do this morning?
"What are you doing? Get up and ring for tony! We don't have  all day." Gracia yelled at her daughter, she grimaced and took a quick look at the gold wristwatch on her left wrist. It was quarter  past eight. Anabelle sighed and stretched to ring the little bell on her bed side cabinet. Tony appeared almost immediately. Tony was a young man off about twenty five. His hair was brown and shaved leaving only the front part to brush  his fore head,he had blue eyes and was lanky. He was handsome and he knew it. You could see from his smug expression.
"Tony dear, run a bath for Anabelle will you? And tell the driver to prepare the land cruiser, we're going shopping." Gracia said after Tony bowed in greeting. She gave other instructions and left the room finally.

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