The Genovases.
A party at theirs, Anabelle wasn't looking forward to it at all. The Genovases were loud, gaudy, very ostentatious and just down right horrid. They loved to act like nice people with their fundraisers and church project funds and just about anything to make them look good but Anabelle could see past it. This wasn't the first time she was attending a gala at their house so she was aware of their acts. People didn't like them much because they were bothering on crude but then they always threw large, extravagant parties and they usually pulled crowds so one just had to attend. Plus, parties like this served the dual purpose of getting noticed and finding a life partner. So people must come.
         At about three thirty in the afternoon, Anabelle was already fully dressed, so she sat in front of her vanity putting finishing touches to her makeup. She wondered why her mother had not come to check her, maybe she was too busy. It was good anyway, Anabelle picked out her clothes and did her own thing.
Anabelle got up from her vanity and went to her full length mirror, she spun around and took a good look at herself, she had picked out a long flowing, sequinned evening gown, slightly off the shoulder with a choker, and sliver shoes. Satisfied with what she saw, she said a short prayer and left her bedroom. She went down stairs to wait for the others, her mother came downstairs too a little while later also fully dressed. Anabelle stood up quickly as her mother walked briskly to her.
"Oh I had forgotten about you. Let me see... This would do. I don't want to be late." Gracia said barely acknowledging Anabelle's greetings. She examined Anabelle and hummed with satisfaction.
"Imelda! Genevieve! James! Come on we don't have all day!" Gracia called out loudly. Soon, the rest of them started filling out. Imelda came first looking beautiful as always, the Genovese girls were going to have a fit. Talk about stealing their show.
Gracia nodded approvingly at her and said nothing. Weird, she was in some kind of mood today, Anabelle prayed that she would not fall victim of bad temper.
" Genevieve, James?  Hurry will you? "  Gracia called out again.
"Ugh! Mother, there is such a thing as being fashionably late. We don't have to go so early." Imelda said irritated at her mother's haste.
"Be quiet." Gracia muttered and Imelda hid her shock .
"Whatever mother." Imelda said as a comeback, her mother remained silent. Just then Genevieve and James started down the stairs apologising for the delay , Gracia tuts and they all trooped out to attend the gala.
At the gala, Anabelle is having the worst time ever. The music is loud and she is having a hard time shaking a comment out of her head.
They just recently came when it happened.
Their host came forward to greet them.
" Ohhh! My dear Gracia, how nice of you to join us. James, lovely to see you again. How is business?" Mrs Genovese asked in her husky voice.
"Oh bless God, business is good." James replied smiling dutifully.
"My, what a lovely party." Gracia said hiding her real distaste.
"Ohh you are too kind!" The woman said and giggled. "Imelda, lovely as always you too Genevieve." The girls  laughed and said their thanks as expected. The woman turned abruptly and spotted Anabelle, her brows raised in wonder.
"I've never seen you before." Mrs Genovese mumurred and stepped forward.
"I'm with them Mrs Genovese. Good evening to you how do you do?" Anabelle said timidly curtseying a little. The woman continue to stare at her not hiding her disapproval. Gracia chuckled slightly and stepped quickly in front of Anabelle.
" Oh this is my last daughter. Anabelle"
"I didn't know you had a last daughter! She looks nothing like you. Why haven't we met?" Mrs Genovese asked in suprise.
"Well she's been away for some time, James would like to mingle won't you?" Gracia said turning to her husband, James nodded in agreement and took Anabelle away but not before a comment from Mrs Genovese about her complexion.
"What awful colouring! Perhaps you haven't tried any remedies?"
"That's because I haven't found one." Gracia responds before they went out of hear shot. Off course she would comment and offer her not needed help. Ohh try this and that it works like a breeze! Ugh! Give me a break. Anabelle thought irritably. She, at first followed her dad, but then he met his friends and they stated talking politics, not her strong suit so she left him and wondered about, looking at the guests and ignoring snide remarks and nasty looks.
    Some how, she found herself within her mother and sisters range which of course was a bad place to be. Imelda was even close by so Anabelle strove among the crowd of people to put distance between them, she'd had enough of useless opinion from people. She walked two paces and cringed as some one slammed hard into her spilling drinks, it was a waitress. Anabelle shut her eyes and fought down the scream that was bubbling up her throat. Why now? Why now when her mother was close by?  Anabelle pulled uselessly at the wet dress thanking God profusely that the dress was black. She looked at the waitress and all her words died in her throat. The beautiful , Mexican waitress was shaking like a leaf and staring fearfully at her.
"I am so sorry! I'm so sorry, some one Push me from behind, it was an accident please forgive me!" The waitress begged desperately, Anabelle sighed and brushed the froth from her dress. The waitress ducked and shielded her face with the now empty tray. Anabelle looked up in shock.
"It's okay, I won't hit you. It's okay" Anabelle said quickly, the lady bent to retrieve the glasses which thankfully weren't broken.
"Miss, I'm awfully sorry about this. It was unintentional. I'm really sorry." The waitress said her face full of apology.
"It's okay. You really thought I was going to hit you. Go!" Anabelle said quickly as she sighted Imelda coming her way. The waitress nodded and went away quickly.
"You blundering idiot! You spilled drinks again." Imelda said that minute she got to Anabelle.
"She bumped into me first." Anabelle retorted getting angry again. Her mother came quickly, Anabelle sighed this would never end.
"You clutz, go and clean up your self. You'd give me a headache!" Gracia said irritated and Anabelle stalked away hating the gala even more .
  She walked without see anybody she was in such a hurry, so she bumped into solid muscle. Anabelle sighed and gritted her teeth in frustration. She looked up slowly and found herself staring into the beautiful face of Dorian McAllister.
      Anabelle started to go but he blocked her path  a sly smile on his face. She scoffed and looked away.
"Get out of my way."
" It's seems you and red wine are inseparable, perhaps you are twins?" Dorian said quietly still smiling. Anabelle could not wait to get away. What on earth was his problem?
He stared unashamedly at her as if examining her very pores his face taking up the foolish look of wonder like  she was a plastic doll or something. She tried leaving again but he stood there unmoving.
"Move! Mr."
"Or you like to wear it like an accessory." Dorian mumurred.
"Maybe, you can never go wrong with red wine." Anabelle said dripping venom, she side stepped him and stalked off  a splitting headache beginning to form.

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