part 2

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      After lunch, Anabelle went back to her office and worked vigorously till one thirty pm, then suddenly she remembered the appointment and began dreading it. She then bowed down her head and prayed to God that He should give her the strength to handle the project, her dad really wanted her to do this so she couldn't let him down. After her prayers she left the office immediately. Getting there by 1:45 pm, she noted it was a 15 minutes drive from her office to his, she got down from the car and walked gingerly into the sprawling McAllister offices. She was greeted kindly by the doorman and was directed to the floor on which Dorian's office was.
Soon enough she was there, she met a dark haired beauty with a plaque one her desk that read secretary , Anabelle greeted the lady warmly but she replied with a raised eyebrow.
"Yes?" The girl who was actually Mabel asked coolly
"I have an appointment with your boss slatted for 2 o'clock." Anabelle answered hiding her shock at the unwarranted ill treatment.
"I'm here for the appointment." Anabelle replied smiling, she wondered what was wrong with the secretary. The girl in question slowly opened her appointment book and checked. She saw what she was looking for and raised her head.
"McAvery right?" She said coldly.
"That's me. I'll be on my way now." Anabelle said and started to go towards the door which had to be his office.
"It's not two yet, you are very early so you have to wait. I'll let you know when it's ok to go in." Mabel said without changing her tone. Anabelle stopped as she began to speak, she returned back to the desk.
"Of course miss Mabel. Thank you." Anabelle answered and went to a set of chairs resting on the white walls. She refused to sit and folded her hands under her bust, standing far away from the girl as she was certain the girl wasn't finished yet. She was very surprised at the secretary's terrible reception. She didn't want to come ,now this person she has never met before was treating her like a common thief , just wonderful. She couldn't wait to be done with it all.
      A minute later another lady came to join Mabel,  she was a skinny blonde wearing a beautiful purple dress. She came with some documents and set them on Mabel's table, she gave some instructions and was about to leave before Mabel spoke up.
"Can you believe how white our visitor is? She looks positively ghoulish! , Who knows what she wants with our Mr. Dorian. Just look at the awful dress, ghastly colouring."
"Whatever she looks like isn't any of your business, how many times do I have to tell you to mind your business?" Anabelle stayed far away so she wouldn't have to listen to that nonesense , but Mabel's voice was loud, so it carried. She was surprised the new comer was defending her, usually they form a cacus and began to discuss the issue.
"You are no fun." Anabelle heard Mabel saying. Soon she felt a hand on her shoulder, Anabelle turned and found herself staring at a nice looking blonde.
"We apologize for that slip. She is not usually this unprofessional. Please do not be upset." The blonde said in a professional manner.
"It's alright, I'm used to it." Anabelle responded in like manner.
"I'm jade by the way."
"Anabelle, thanks for cautioning her. It will not do to treat visitors this way."
"Noted miss Anabelle."
"It's 2 o'clock now." Mabel butted in, scowling.
"This way." Jade said and led Anabelle to Dorian's office. Anabelle said her thanks and the blonde promptly left. Anabelle sighed and said a silent prayer , she wouldn't want to lose her cool.Then she knocked on the door in a precise manner. A deep voice bid her to enter, it was unmistakably Dorian's. Anabelle took a deep breath and entered, a smile on her face.
"Good afternoon!" She said cheerfully.
"I'm Anabelle McAvery, I have an appointment." She continued undaunted by the non reply. The guy gave her very slow once over. The stupid look was back in his eyes, the look of wonder, she knew what was going on in his head, how can someone look like this? Anabelle knew it all. she shut the door behind her and walked to the chairs in front of his huge mahogany desk. His office was very large and very masculine with the dark colours and  polished wood. The large window behind him provided the light he used, no other light was on.
" May I sit?" Anabelle asked and sat down when he still didn't respond. She wasn't about to conduct a meeting standing , while he sat there looking at her with childish wonder. He quickly caught himself and scowled.
"What are you doing here?" He asked coldly.
"I am here for the meeting."
" Where is your father?"
"At the office, working. I came in his stead." Anabelle replied quickly, she tried to keep the smile on her face and failed woefully, how could she when he was glaring at her so blantantly.
" I have business with your father , not you. Leave."
Dorian said in a steely voice as Anabelle's mouth fell open in shock.
"Err, Mr. McAllister, my father is busy and likely to remain busy for the next month. That is why he sent me instead, my brother is away on a trip, I am the only available person."
"He should have told me first and not send you over, get up!" Dorian said with clenched teeth and motioned for her to get up. Anabelle shot to her feet. Dorian got up too and took off his jacket, Anabelle despite herself started to fidget. What on earth was wrong with him?
"Look, I'll have you know, I am very qualified. I can handle the project. Call my father if you like, he will tell you the same thing I told you earlier." Anabelle ended. Dorian kept quiet and watched her with a guarded gaze.
"I even have the proposal for you here. Check it out and tell me what you think." Anabelle said and set a black file down on his desk next to a tin can filled with pens and pencils. Dorian still did not reply.
"I see you were not expecting me, I did not do this. Please call my father. Excuse me." Anabelle said and left the office, thinking:
' I'm not coming back here again. I'm not."

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