part 2

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Gracia laughed out loud and expertly shifted the talk to other safer matters. But Anabelle's spirit was not dampened, she continued smiling and eating her food with gusto, she smiled at her father who was watching her at all times, but he later turned to talk to David McAllister about business. Anabelle would have loved to be included in the business discussion, as she was very interested in business. In fact, she was the only one among James's daughters that helped him at his company. Imelda just  did nothing and lavish her father's money while Genevieve and her mother ran their boutique, even at that, Genevieve didn't know anything about the business aspects. She just sold clothes, received consignment and barked out orders.
     Anabelle was the only one involved in the McAvery business enterprise, she and her brother that is, she was a very good business woman. In fact, most of the business deals that brought a whole lot of money were the ones Anabelle recommended. She was gifted in that area, she even sometimes had dreams whereby God showed her the proposal to take, the place to go and to avoid. The company as seen many a great success since Anabelle began working alongside her father.
     She had so many things to input, but for her mother. She knew that her mother was monitoring her even if she was very engaged in a conversation with Mrs Amelia. She couldn't afford to make any slip. Anabelle focused on her food and the people around her. She noticed that Dorian had never for once, looked over to her side of the table. He was solely focused on Imelda, her exquisite face and witty comments. Imelda lived on people's attention on her, it wouldn't do to have just some people's attention, she wanted everyone's attention. Soon, she tapped her wine glass and said a joke so funny, every one burst out laughing, including Dorian. Now she had all their attention. She kept it by making seemingly intelligent comments and jokes. Imelda had limited discussion topics for sustaining interest as she knew little, Anabelle began to worry that she would soon exhaust it all, but it seems Imelda came prepared. They all hung on her every word, as she had them humming and laughing at silly things. Imelda was in her element, wherever they went Imelda stole the show, she was the life of every party, her face and voice was enough to keep everyone one entertained. Imelda then moved the discussion to her house and her family, she talked about her brother and his escapades when they were young and Anabelle's problematic complexion. Of course. She began her tale on how they could never find suitable dresses for Anabelle and how she could not go in the sun without adequate protection.
     Anabelle sat there dreading what was coming. She even told them about one of the recent happening at a shopping mall. The event always left a bad taste in Anabelle's mouth when ever she remembered now Imelda was telling it just to be funny and gain points. Great.
It was a Friday when preparing for a gala, they decided to go shopping at a mall down town dragging Anabelle with them. They did their shopping and Anabelle stood by watching when suddenly she was picked up by someone one. Anabelle yelled in fright as her mother and sisters came to see what the problem was, the mall worker who carried her dropped her like a sack of grain and stepped from her like she had the plague, his face full of fear. When asked why he did that, her said that he thought Anabelle was the mannequin they had been looking for, coincidentally, she was wearing the exact same thing the mannequin was wearing plus her complexion made it easy for him to make that stupid mistake. Anabelle had been incensed while Imelda could not stop laughing.
Even now, she had everyone laughing except James, Mrs Amelia and Anabelle herself. It was not so funny to them. Imelda kept saying how it was so hilarious and how every one concurred with her. She even began to sound insulting. Anabelle pursed her lips and forced herself to stay still. Her father rubbed her free hand reassuringly. Mrs Amelia change the subject. Anabelle knew that the night would not pass without her getting insulted. No, Imelda could not just resist the temptation, with a willing audience? Nah not happening. To Imelda, her second sister was material for jokes and funny comments, Anabelle's uncanny resemblance to mannequins was indeed an interesting discussion matter.
    Anabelle had been quite happy before, until now. Even when Mrs Amelia changed the subject, Imelda still didn't stop. She told of all the problems and run ins with people who thought Anabelle was a still life object. She went on and on until Anabelle began shaking from holding her tears at bay.
The servants began pouring out the wine for them and some apple juice. There was a toast and they all raised their glasses for it. Then, eating resume in earnest, for that duration of toasting and what not, Imelda was quiet, so she resumed again, Anabelle prayed silently for her to stop. When she didn't she decided to tune her out. Her fish was tasteless, so she reached for the salt,  bringing it closer she mistakingly knocked her wine glass over, it fell on the table and the wine spilled on her thigh. Anabelle  yelped and rightened the glass again. All eyes were on her, her father quickly handed over a napkin to her to mop out some of the mess. Anabelle received it gratefully.
"Oh! So sorry dear, are you all right?"Amelia asked looking sorry.
"Yes ma'am, thank you so much." Anabelle replied as she vigorously rubbed out the wine which left a dark stain on her dress.
Mr David also expressed his apologies and concern. Anabelle thanked him for it.

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