chapter 7

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   Anabelle woke up feeling refreshed this bright Sunday morning. She was eager to go to church and start her day. She said her morning prayers, thanking God for Maria and then she went to the bathroom to freshen up.
    Since she didn't attend the same church as her family, she wasn't in any hurry. Her church service started by nine and it was just seven o'clock in the morning. She was happy because she would pick up Maria in a few more minutes. After her morning routine, she picked up her church bag and left her room. She found her father sipping coffee in the dining room. She never ate on a Sunday morning, she felt she would be delayed. So she greeted her father and warmly hugged him before requesting to use his white saloon car. He obliged and Anabelle left the house finally.
       Following the directions Maria gave her, she got to their house early enough. As Anabelle got down from the car and approached the door to the quaint, white cottage, the said door opened to reveal an adorable five year old boy with raven hair and freckles. The boy stop his apparent race to stare wide eye at Anabelle. The boy was followed closely by his mother. She was poised to scold the boy but refrain from doing so as he had already stopped running . She wondered why her son stopped before she could stop him and looked up to see her very white visitor who was also the object of her son's intense scrutiny. One minute they were quiet, the next, the boy was pointing and yelling:
"Wow! You are so pretty! You look like a doll!"
Anabelle's heart warmed at the compliment. She laughed whole heartedly and bent to meet the boy's eye level.
"Oh thank you my young friend! You look dashing yourself, my , such nice shoes."
"You like them? I do too. My mom got them for me." The boy said and smiled bashfully.
"Good morning Anabelle, I'm sorry I'm not ready yet, he was running round the house, didn't want him to get injured." Maria said apologetically, Anabelle looked up and smiled.
"Well we still have some time left so don't worry much." Anabelle replied.
"Besides, this young man and I have to get acquainted." Anabelle put in.
"Well I will leave you to it, thanks for coming."
"Oh no it's no bother." Anabelle said smiling softly, the woman returned to smile and went back in to the house. Anabelle faced the boy.
"So, I'm Anabelle, what is your name?"
"I'm David."
"Ohhh do you know about David in the Bible...."
Anabelle said and went ahead to tell him about David and also how our lord Jesus Christ who is our saviour came from his lineage. The boy was eager to hear it all but his mother came and they had to leave but Anabelle promised to tell him along the way.
     This Sunday was very eventful for Anabelle, she made a new friend and it was a memorable experience for her. Plus Maria's son was delightful with his vivacious and eagerness to learn.
Monday morning came quickly enough, time to work. Anabelle finished her morning routine and hurried off to work feeling light and peaceful. Her morning prayers were met with answers.
She met her father at the office . She barely came before she was up to her neck with work, it was around lunch break before she finally got any respite. She strolled leisurely to her father's office greeting people along the way. When she got there she met her father doing paperwork. She said her greetings and sat on one of the chairs in front of her father's desk. She watched him work for a while before speaking up.
"Dad, aren't you eating lunch?"
"I am, but I want to tidy up my desk first. What do you say though, do we eat out or order take out." James said still busy. Anabelle thought for a minute.
"Don't feel like going out, let's order something."
"Ok dear. Oh Anabelle_" James called remembering something.
"I have been meaning to tell you, you remember the McAllisters, the people we had dinner with a few days ago."
"Yes father." Anabelle said quietly, of course she remembered them, how could she forget.
"Well, Dorian and I recently spoke, and he said he would like to build a five star hotel catering for the needs of the tourists coming in to see the water fall. You know they don't really have any establishment here in holder town." He paused to see if Anabelle followed. Anabelle nodded for him to continue.
"He wants us to handle this project, now, your brother is away on a trip and I have pending projects waiting for execution. You are the only free person right now, we have an appointment slated for two o'clock this afternoon i need you to go over there and show him the proposal in fact I need you to head the whole thing." James ended and handed over a black file to her. Anabelle could not believe her ears.
"You want me to work with him on this project?"
"Yes Bella, I'm too swamped with work, and he wants to get started right away."
"But.. but.."  I dislike that sourpuss, I want nothing to do with him.  The excuse sounded feeble in her ears she couldn't bring her self to say it.
"But, what if I take over the other jobs for you while you handle this one, how about that?" Anabelle asked hiding her dread, she really didn't want to see the guy.
"Bella, I've already began working on these ones, so I know my way around them, I would have to start explaining and putting you through, it will take time."James reasoned, but Anabelle was determined.
"Jeezzz father, it wouldn't take so much time, I'm not a rookie, I don't really want to go" Anabelle said truthfully.
"Why?" James asked leaning back in his swing chair. Anabelle thought about her encounters with Dorian and his rude comments. It wasn't something she wanted to tell her father, it would sound childish, and this was business. So Anabelle decided to give in, thinking ' what's the worst that could happen?'
"Alright father, I'll go for you." Anabelle said quietly, her father watched her for some time, he wanted to know what the problem was but he decided not to press her .
"All right Anabelle, but you will tell me later hmmm?" James said as Anabelle smiled at his perception.
"Two, is it?"
"Yes Bella, order lunch, I'm starving."

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