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Anabelle searched for her handkerchief and Found it on her bed. She hope she would not need it to night, the makeup people swore that the makeup was water proof, Anabelle prayed for the strength to remain straight face. Some how she knew more was coming. She remembered her favourite Bible verse, Psalm 139:14 and began chanting it .
" I will praise you , for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.marverlous her your works and my soul knows right well" she said over and over again in her very soft very feminine voice. Her father came in and met her pacing. And ran to him and hugged him, panting, such was her terror.
"Remember,' I am with you even till the end of time'. Say it." James said noting the panic on his daughter's face. Anabelle repeated the words of Jesus over and over again.
" It's going to be all right, God is with you and I'm here for you too okay?"
" Dad I feel so bad! I wish I never came back." Anabelle said choking back a sob. James pulled her from him, his hand still on her face, a little pale from what she said.
"Don't talk like that, don't say such things. Ten years! I lived without seeing you one day! You don't know what that has done to me. Please Bella, don't say it again. God loves you! And I love you too, let it be enough. Please!" James said earnestly, scared that she might leave again.
" It's just dinner, don't worry so much." He said again and Anabelle nodded.
  Just then, they heard a commotion downstairs and the butler's booming voice announcing the arrival of their guests.
"It's starting" Anabelle said all colour gone from her cheeks, leaving a deathly pale hue with it. James hugged her again and slipped out of the room. Anabelle straight away went back to chanting Psalm 139:24.
       Downstairs, Gracia and her two older daughters welcomed in the McAllisters.
Mrs. Amelia McAllister and Gracia hugged like two best friends and air kissed eachother. They both looked happy and began chatting with each other .
" Ohhh love, it's so good to see you. How have you been?" Gracia cooed.
"I have been well thank God. I love your interior décor, it is most fitting." Amelia responded smiling broadly. She loved decorations and was quick to point it out whenever she visits a new place. Genevieve  smiled smugly behind her mother.
" Welcome to my humble abode, I'm glad you like the decorations. Come, come, make yourself comfortable"Gracia said and beckon on them to follow.
" Forgive me, where are my manners? Allow me to introduce my daughters. This is Genevieve, my first daughter and the firstborn of the family." Gracia pulled Genevieve forward and she smiled and inclined her head as her mother made the introductions. She had been scared of her mother introducing Imelda first, that wouldn't have been the first time. But she was pleasantly surprised.
"And this is my second daughter, my jewel, Imelda" Gracia said beaming with pride. Imelda came forward and courtesied smiling softly, the woman in front of her gasped and tried very hard to hide her amazement.
"Wow! Lovely to meet you dear, my, you are very stunning!" Amelia said with her eyes wide. She had never seen anyone more stunning.
"Same here ma'am." Imelda said politely and look expectantly behind the woman. Two people were standing behind her, one was middle aged and looked tough but still very good looking. He had black hair like his counterpart but it was dusted with gray. He carried a walking stick that looked very costly and he smile was warm. The other look very much like him but was way younger, closer to Imelda's age. He was extremely handsome but his face was cold. He didn't look like he wanted to be here, he wasn't even looking at them, his gaze was afar off. But Amelia drew his attention back to them.
" Emm, ok everyone, this is my husband, David, and my son Dorian McAllister. And we are delighted to be here!" Amelia pull Dorian forward after introducing him. He smiled a little at his hosts and nearly gasped when he saw Imelda, gosh! She was pretty. "It's nice to meet you." She said softly and held out her hand.
"My pleasure" Dorian said as he took the hand trying not to stare.
" It's a pleasure to meet you Genevieve! Must be hard being a first born. I'm a first born my self." Amelia said as they all began walking towards the grand dinning room.
      James walked down the stairs quickly and met his wife's guest heading for the dinning room. He too was introduced to them and he joined them as they headed for the dinning room.

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