part 3

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      Anabelle all but ran out of the ball room the Genovases were using for their party. She walked quickly about the large compound which was surprisingly more beautiful than the interior of the grand house. She moved about the many cars parked there for a while before she found her father's. She rummaged through her purse and found the key thanking God that she took it from her dad, she opened the door and slide in, sighing heavily in relief. She leaned back in the chair and massaged her throbbing temples. She had not rested for a while before somebody began knocking gingerly on the car window, Anabelle smothered a groan. She sat up and felt her irritation melt away at the sight of her visitor, it was the waitress from earlier. Anabelle opened the door and stepped out quickly.
"Hey! Nice to see you again!" Anabelle said in greeting. The lady smiled and nodded.
"I was told to take out refuse, and I saw you leave so I decided to come and find you. Not enjoying the party?" The waitress responded in her heavily accented English.
"Totally!  that awful party." Anabelle said and chuckled. They both fell silent.
"You really thought I was going to hit you because you spilled drinks on me, I must say I'm very appalled, you've been hit before?" Anabelle asked quietly, the waitress smiled sadly and nodded.
" It was a young lady, very beautiful, blonde, she slapped me for spilling something on her, so I just thought you would." The waitress explained as Anabelle watched her sadly.
"What is your name?"
"Oh! Well, I'm Anabelle and I want you to know, I would never hit you. I understand it was an accident, please don't be afraid. I totally forgive you for spilling drinks!" Anabelle said and chuckled slightly, the woman beamed, she immediately transformed into a dark haired stunner.
    Anabelle marveled at the transformation, the woman really needed to smile more.
" Thank you miss Bella, I can see you are very different from the others."
" Well, we are told not to repay evil with evil but to repay evil with good. Besides it was clearly unintentional. So tell me, are you a Christian?"
Anabelle asked eagerly, Maria shook her head ruefully.
"Yes, but a bad one. I have... Been through a lot, it just seemed very tedious to make an effort." Maria said as Anabelle sighed and pick one of Maria's hands to hold it in hers.
" People always turn away from Jesus at their time of trouble but it's at this very point that you really need to look to him. God says that 'call upon me in the day of trouble, I will answer you and you will glorify me'. David also said in psalms 34: I sought the lord and he heard me and delivered me from all my fears. You should seek the lord and not turn away from Him. You cannot do it alone."
"But it is  hard, Bella. I have sinned."
"He will forgive. You only have to ask and seek." Anabelle ended, as Maria thought hard about what Anabelle said. She looked up unsure about it all.
"Look at me, all my life I've had to deal with this." Anabelle paused and gestured to her complexion
"I thought you looked very pale." Maria said good naturedly, they both laughed.
"But instead of hating God or myself I am reminded of his word that says that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Trust me, it has been difficult it's even worse now, but God helps me by his Spirit. So you must go to God in all sincerity and you will see that I'm right." Anabelle said and nodded vigorously waiting for Maria's response.
"You are very beautiful, in side and out. I want you to meet my son." Maria said as Anabelle's mouth fell open in suprise.
"You have a son?!"
"Yes , I am a widow."
"Oh, I'm so sorry."
"It's okay, I have to get back to work." Maria said and slowly turned to go.
" Wait! You must come to church, it's Sunday tomorrow. Where do you  live?" Maria smiled at Anabelle, deep down she was pleased. I could go to church, Maria thought mildly.
"Number 14, Ergerton street." Maria replied and began walking towards the party.
"Could I have your number? I might get lost." Maria looked incredulous for a minute,  then she burst out laughing.
"Okay fine." She said as the young lady in front of her smiled brightly. Anabelle opened the car and searched for her phone, then she found it and collected Maria's number.
"Thank you!" Anabelle said as Maria nodded and left finally.
Anabelle entered the car and jubilated, that was way better than some rotten party. She placed her head on the steering wheel and thanked God for the lady.
       After a long while, Anabelle fell asleep. Just then her family came out and walked quickly to their car, James decided that he was sick of the party and  took their leave. So, they thanked their hosts and left, with Gracia murmuring about how awful it was. James knocked on the window and Anabelle woke up. She got out and turned round to the other side and got in, the others entered too.
"So this is where you were all night, making us look bad in front of our hosts. Why did you leave?"
"I had an headache mother." Anabelle answered quietly. Imelda scoffed.
"Of course you did. You cannot be anything more than a clutz, a disgrace. Let's just go dad." Imelda said and leaned back in her chair.
Anabelle rested her head on the glass. Old news. Apparently some things never change. But she would not let them steal her joy.

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