PT 3

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Anabelle was still standing, she continued rubbing the napkin against her thigh even though she knew it was very futile. She did not look up to see her mother even when she felt Gracia's eyes boring holes into her. She was so afraid, how could this happen? Anabelle wondered. Gosh! The dress was ruined no doubt, suddenly, Gracia pulled Anabelle down on her chair with a force. Anabelle bit her lips to keep from crying out. She turned and saw her mother glaring at her with so much disgust on her face.
"What on earth is wrong with you?!,  You couldn't sit down quietly and eat your meal without ruining things?!" Gracia yelled, forgetting about her guests. She was so angry.
"It was an accident! I'm sorry"
"An accident? You cannot live your Life without having any 'accidents'?!" Gracia said again as everyone one watched.
"I was reaching for the salt!" Anabelle said almost crying now. Oh God help me!
"So colossal a task! Just peachy!" Gracia scoffed.
"Gracia, it was an accident. Let it be." Amelia said quietly, wondering what the fuss was about. Things like this happen all the time. Gracia was being unnecessarily harsh.
Gracia swallowed the remainder of her comments and let Anabelle go immediately. It was quiet as everyone processed the recent happening. Anabelle was shaking badly while James force himself to stay still. Anabelle apologized again and picked up her fork, she did not immediately begin to eat as she was still trembling. Slowly everyone resume eating their food as they stopped earlier because of the 'accident'.
Some one cleared her throat. It was Imelda.
"We all have wines but you don't see us bathing with it." Imelda said inclining her head at the wine stain on Anabelle's dress. Anabelle stiffened. Oh God please no!
" It's not enough that we have headaches with your horrid skin colour, you still trouble us with your clumsiness. Hmm, at least we now know what you are good at." Anabelle wiped furiously away at the tear that fell despite her efforts. She didn't bother to look at Imelda as she was positive that she would be sneering and Anabelle didn't want to see that. She gave up pretence of eating and dropped her cutlery.
" That's enough Imelda!" James said very annoyed.
" You can never go wrong with red wine and emerald green!" Imelda said and laughed her usual laughter despite her father's warning. Dorian and Genevieve joined in almost immediately. Amelia pursed her lips in distaste. What was wrong with this people? She thought some what annoyed. She scowled at her son but he ignored her. All this talk for one little slip. She felt sorry for Anabelle. The girl in question was sitting with her hands in her lap and her head bowed. James urged her to eat her food but she shook her head. Her mother ignored her and laughed at a stupid joke Imelda was telling still on the wine issue. Anabelle could not take it anymore.
" Mom, may I be excused?"
" No! You will sit down and finish you food."
" But my dress is wet."
" I said no! And no more talk about leaving wet dress or not!".
Anabelle remained quiet and ate the rest of her food. Dorian did not look towards her direction as usual and Imelda continued her chatter. Anabelle prayed silently for God to forgive them and for Him to give her the grace to forgive them also. She was so pained.
      A while later, the dinner was finally over, James thank the Lord and wish everyone well. Gracia pretended like nothing  had happened and thanked her guests.
"I had such a wonderful time today, I hope you did too." Gracia said to Amelia.
"Indeed." Amelia said unsmiling as she hadn't forgotten so easily but this was not the time or place.
Dorian obviously was very interested in Imelda as he collected her contact. Dorian also thanked his guests and promised to call James concerning the business proposal they talked about. Gracia talked gayly as they all walked slowly towards the door with Anabelle lagging behind. The dinner  event had finally came to an end.

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