
961 13 2

Mention of Abuse and violence

The week flew by, and before you knew it, you were on your way back home. You had a lot of fun at the cabin, and you did a lot of fun activities. But now you're on your way back to a place you must call 'home.' You were concerned about what would happen when you returned after being gone for a week. You never informed your father that you were leaving. You returned at 8 p.m.

"Thanks for such an amazing week, I really needed it. I love you guys so much" You say while hugging them all really tight.

"We love you too. We need to do more stuff altogether" Ellie said while hugging you.           You could tell she wanted to tell you something, most likely about what was gonna happen next.When you open the doors to yours house.

"I'll see you all soon" You faked smiled.
You looked at them all one more time, your so lucky to have them in your life.

You turned around and grabbed your keys to unlock the door. You paused for a few seconds before opening it. You mentally prepared yourself for whatever might occur. You walk in and, to your surprise, he and his friends are all gathered around the table. They were all staring at you. Your father's eyes are filled with rage.

"Look who finally decides to turn up....after a week!" your father chuckles.

"S-sorry it was w-work, they said I could stay" you stutter.

"I'm not stupid Y/N. Your only 17, they hardly give you work, I saw you outside with them stupid boys again." He stands up from his seat. You was so angry at the way he talks about Tom and Harrison, as they don't deserve such disrespect, they do everything for you.


You didn't care what you said next as you would've got hurt anyways so all you said was...
"I can hang out with them If I want to. There not stupid, they have always been there for me. More than my own father has! I work so we can have a roof over our head and so we don't starve!" You scream at him.

"Listen you little Bitch, Don't EVER TALK DOWN TO ME AGAIN" He grabs your neck.
Your phone rings. Shit it's Tom.

"That's one of the boys isn't it. Well you better tell them your not allowed to see them anymore, answer it now. And if you don't listen to me, you see them guys over there, your little boy-friends will be killed" He shouts grabbing tighter on your neck.

You start to cry and you have to obey him. This may be the end of your 11year friendship with Tom and Haz. But there life is at risk. You pick up the phone.

On the phone

"Hey darling. Me and Harrison was wondering If you wanna come over and stay tommorow night?" His voice makes your heart warm up.
Sadly this would be the last time you would possibly hear from him.

"Tom can harrison hear me too?" You asked trying not to make it obvious that your crying.

"Yes is everything okay?" The phone was on loud speaker your dad just looks at you, to tell you to say it.

"I don't think we should be friends anymore.......I'm sorry" Now you was crying you tired to shut up but couldn't.

It was silent.

"I'm sorry okay! I know you guys have always been there for me and I love you both so much. But I am not allowed to be near you guys. Don't try text me, call me or see me okay?" they didn't even answer.

Perfect smile->Tom holland Where stories live. Discover now