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Awwwww Tom in this pic when he was younger🥺🥺🥺🥺

It's finally the day you see your family that you haven't seen in over 6 years. Ellie and Harrison were going to meet you and Tom there. You are staying with your family for 4 days, but Tom and Harrison are just going to stay the one day. Tom had an interview to go to, so he couldn't stay for so long as he would be busy, and of course Harrison couldn't as he is Toms assistant.

"Are you ready to go?" Tom asks you.

"yep Im ready, how long will the drive be?" you pick up your big bag.

"About 30-40mins not that long" Tom says and takes your bag out of your hands.

He was right the drive was only about that long. Tom parked right outside the door, you remembered this house. It's Ellies mums house, your untie, your mums sisters house. Tom and Harrison only came here once when they was about 8, but they probably don't remember anything at all. You was nervous and Tom must've noticed as he placed his hand over yours and calmed you. You both got out the car, taking your bags and knocked on the door.

Finally the door opened and you saw her after all these years. Sarah. (Ellie's Mum).

"Omg....y/n? I can't believe it's you, you've gotten so much bigger" she cries and hugs you.

"Hi Sarah, it's been so long" you tried so hard not to cry but tears did start to fall down your cheeks. She then pulls away from the hug and looks at Tom.

"This is Tom, my boyfriend. Remember him..." you say.

"Of course I do. He's the one that took the blame that time when you broke the glass in the kitchen, when you were both eight. Hello Tom" she smiles and hugs him.

"Come on in, everyone's so excited to see you again!" she opens the door more, you and Tom both walk in.

"Y/N!" Ellie's shouts.

"Ellie!!" you shout back and hug her. Tom and Harrison did some handshake thing.

You then hear someone clear their throat. It was Jamie. Jamie was Ellie's brother, well half-brother. You and him used to be quiet close, but he was always a closed off type of person. And very moody.

"Move out the way-" he looks up and sees you, in his eyes you could see a sense of pain.

"Jamie?" you start to tear up, he's so much bigger now. He was about 22 years old now, he was just 4 years older than you.

"Y-Y/N? ugh what's she doing here? I thought she abandoned us ages ago" Jamie scoffs and looks at Ellie. Wow, did everyone feel like that?

"Jamie what the actual Fuck is wrong with you?! You haven't seen her in over 6 years and that's all you fucking say?" Ellie shouts at him.

"Oh I'm sorry y/n how are you? Did you want to come and apologise for abandoning your OWN FAMILY? stupid bitch" Jamie shouts in your face and when he said the last words 'stupid bitch' he looked like he regretted it.

"Is that what everyone thinks of me?" you gulped.

"Yeah it is, even Ellie thinks it too-" Jamie was cut off by Ellie.

"Jamie stop, No one thinks that y/n. Now shut the fuck up Jamie and piss off. How dare you say such things" Ellie grabs your arm and pulls you into another room.

"I-I think I'm just gonna go-" you look down.

"No, no your not going anywhere. Jamie doesn't mean it trust me. He just misses you and he doesn't really know why you were gone for all them years" Ellie wipes your tears.

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