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Awww Tom looks so cute!🥺🥺BabyTommy!
(Btw I do know some things that Jake says ain't spelt always right it's because he's young and doesn't say words clearly as he is 4 in this)
2 days later

Tom and Harrison were out golfing, you was sitting on the couch, when your phone rang. You pick it up and see that Scarlett is calling you.

On phone:
Y/N=Y Scarlett=S

Y- Hey scarlett how r u?
S-Im good thanks, how r u
Y-Im good, I actually have something to tell you, me and Tom are dating now
S-Omg! What ahhh Im so happy for you both. Anyways I called you for a little favour....kinda big
Y-yeah sure anything what's up?
S- Is there any chance that you could watch Jake for a day. I promised my sister I'll find someone to babysit him as we are going out for her birthday. If not it's okay. But he really wanted you to, and now you can as you live with Tom and Harrison. He can stay over?
Y-Yess I would love to watch him, he can stay anytime. I'll ask Tom and i'll message you, Do you want me to pick him up?
S-No it's fine i'll drop him bye

You then text Tom.

On text

You- Hey Tommy, How's golf? Also I need to ask something xx
Tommy❤️- Hey babe, golf is good, sure anything what's up xx
You- Scarlett asked me If I could watch Jake (her nephew), I don't think you have seen him in ages, the last time you saw him was when he was like 2. And I wanted to know If he could stay over here?
Tommy❤️- Darling, you don't need to ask, it's your house as well now. And I wanna see him again, it's been like what? 2 years.
Y/N- Okay. Thanks babe. I'll see you soon love you bye x
Tommy❤️- see you soon love you bye x

You go to your room and get changed, then decided to go to the shops to get some snacks. He was only 4 years old, nearly 5, so you brought cookie mix and sweets. (not too much). It was about 1.p.m when Scarlett knocked at your door.

"Thanks so much Y/N your a life saver I have to go though" she hugs you. "Be good for untie y/n okay? love you bye" she kisses Jake.

Of course you wasn't his Auntie, but you and Scarlett were like sisters. Jake knew you was her best friend, but he preferred to say that you was his auntie.

"Hey Jakeyyy" you pick up the boy and hug him, closing the door behind you.

"hewo y/n, I brought toys" he shows his backpack.

"Ooo that's nice. We can play with them here on the rug. Also, two other people live here and they will be back soon. There names are Tom and Harrison they met you when you was so small" you get his toys out and turn on the tv.

"okay, but only yow can play with my toys. No one else" he says and plays with the spider-man toy.

"Alright, but you will really like them" you smile.

2 Hours later

You and Jake were both in the living room watching some netflix kids film. The front door opened and closed, meaning that Tom and Harrison were back. You stand up and they walk in, you quickly give Tom a kiss on the lips and hug him.

"Get off my y/nnnn!" Jake shouts and tries to push Tom away from you.

"Jake it's okay, these are the people I said we're gonna be here. This is Tom and that's Harrison" you point to the boys.

"So this is the little Jake, you have gotten so big!" Tom kneels down to his level.

"omg no way that's Jake" Haz says.

"Yeah, and he's gonna stay over tonight." you say and Jake tries to hide behind you. "Don't be shy Jakey, there nice people" you chuckle and try move him away from your leg.

Perfect smile->Tom holland Where stories live. Discover now