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You all go back to your rooms and get ready to meet the fans. You loved seeing Toms fans, they always were so nice to you, well some of them. But they all loved you as well, as your best friends with him and Harrison. Everyone shipped you together, there was many edits and photos on instagram and TikTok about you both.

Tom and you don't really speak about them, he mostly laughs about them. You wish he was yours, and the edits were so cute! They made you want to be with him even more.

You wear this (if you don't like it imagine something else)

You wear this (if you don't like it imagine something else)

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You just wore something casual and nice. You was only going to meet fans, so you decided that you wasn't going to dress all fancy.

"I don't think i've ever seen you wear a hat before" Harry says.

"I thought I try something new. You like it?" you pose.

"Yep it actually suits you. Maybe your head won't burn as well. Don't your think you should put some sun cream on?" Harry points to your burnt shoulders. You did burn pretty easily, but at least you would tan after.

"Yeah I should've actually, can you do it for me?" you ask.

"Nope, ask your amazing crush.Tom" he smirks.

"Stop it!! Before he hears you" you look around to see if he was near.

"Wait so you admit it!" Harry jumps up and down.

"uhhh...No I don't. Fuck. Shit. I hate you Harry" you go red.

"Why are you so happy? Jumping up and down like a little child" Harrison chuckles and walks into the room with Tom behind. You give Harry a look to tell him to shut up.

"Shit y/n/n, your shoulders are burnt" Tom comes over to you.

"I gathered that. I asked Harry to put some sun cream on for me, but he won't do it. Like the dickhead he is" you poke your tongue out at him.

"I don't want to touch your dirty shoulders!" Harry says.

"Hey! My shoulders and my body are clean." you cross your arms.

"Shut up now, here darling Ill put some sun cream on you and some aloe vera, to help it not hurt." Tom smiles and walks out the room.

He comes back in with a aloe vera plant and a bottle of sun cream. He rubs the aloe vera onto your shoulders and then put the sun cream on. It did feel nice that he was the one helping you. You loved his touch and the way he cared for you.

"Do you wanna stop staring?" Tom says to the boys.

"You both are so cute!" Harrison says, you grab the sun cream and throw it at him.

"Ahhh" you winced in pain.

"Shit. Sorry darling nearly done. You better do your arms and legs too" Tom finishes rubbing the sun cream in your shoulders.

Perfect smile->Tom holland Where stories live. Discover now