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Mention of self harming and abuse

Toms POV

We arrived back at the Holland house, we was going to stay here for another 3 days. But maybe It might be better If we went back early for Y/N. She was asleep, so I carried her to my room and places her on the bed. I blame me for not being there in time for her to get hurt. There would be a bruise on her neck now and her wrists from when he grabbed her. I go downstairs.

"is she okay?" Harrison asked.

"Yeah, she's just asleep...How could someone do that to her?" A tear rolls from my eye.

"I don't know. We don't know much about Y/N with her family, only some things. However, clearly her father is messed up, that's his daughter!" Harry says.

Harry, Sam, Paddy and my parents didn't know all about her Father, only me and Haz do.

"Where's her phone?" I ask the boys.

"Here in my pocket, she dropped it, when Harrison picked her up" Paddy gives me the phone.

"Thanks mate"

I grabbed her phone and unlocked it. I knew her pin for it, I made sure everything was backed up and I then smashed the phone.

"Tom! What are u doing!" Sam yells.

"Shut up your gonna wake her up. Her dad has her number and clearly is tracking her so she needs a new phone and number" I whisper.

"I'm gonna go get her a new phone, so when she wakes up she will have one. It was smashed a little anyways. Anyone wanna come? I'll bring food back." I start to put my shoes on.

Me,Sam and Paddy got into my car and drove the shopping centre (mall). I got her the newest phone and also went to get her favourite snacks. It was her birthday in about 10 days, so I decided to look for a presents. After being out for about 2 hours we got some food and drove back to the house.


You woke up in Toms bed. You didn't move, you just laid there. After 20 minutes you decided to have a shower, you felt dirty and disgusting by what happened earlier. When you got out of the shower, you changed into Toms t-shirt,which was so big on you. You didn't really care though. And you put on a pair of cycling shorts underneath. You put your hair in a messy bun and walk down the stairs. You hear the front door open, Tom, Sam and Paddy all walk in. You just walked pass into the kitchen, no one realised you as you was silent. Then you got a cup and filled it up with cold water. Tessa ran to you and you stroked her, she always comforted you, and she always knew when you was sad. Tom walked into the kitchen and saw you sitting on the side with a glass of water. He didn't say anything, he just smiled at you. Tom knew you hated it when people asked you things, when your upset. That's what was so amazing about him. He would eventually talk to you about it, but when your ready. He started to take the food out of the bag. Inside you was screaming with happiness as he got your favourite food, but then you was still upset.

"Im sorry" He says.

"Sorry for what Tommy?" you fake smile.

"For what happened. It was all my fault-" he looks down.

"WHAT! Tom don't ever say it was your fault! It wasn't anyones fault. Your not the one who strangled me did you?" you laugh.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

That one question just made me break a little.

"I can't say i'm fine, as that would be a lie. But I'll be okay, I have you guys by my side. I'm just scared that's all." You silently cry.

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