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You wake up with a hangover, remembering what happened the night before even though you weren't that drunk. You were in Tom's room, but he was nowhere to be found. You quickly stood up and went to your room to change your clothes. Someone had slept in your bed because it wasn't made the way it used to be, but you didn't mind. You walked down the stairs after changing to hear Tom laughing with someone. You had no idea who it was until you walked into the kitchen and saw him and Stacey. They appeared to be quite close and content.

"ugh what is she still doing here?" you scoff.

"y/n don't be so rude after the way you acted yesterday" Tom said.

"whatever" you roll your eyes and put your shoes on.

"y/n I just want to be friends, I would never want to hurt you or make you sad" Stacey said. She was fooling everyone, deep down inside she was a bitch to me.

"Fuck off" you look at her.

"y/n!" Tom shouts.

"Tom!" you mimic him and go to the door.

"Where are you going?" Tom asked.

"Non of your business." you snap.

"y/n it is my business. I want to know where you are so I know that you will be okay. And we still need to talk about yesterday" Tom walks over to you.

"I don't want to talk Tom. I don't need to tell you shit, remember your not the boss of me" you open the door and slam it.

Of course you'd be fine; you just needed some fresh air. You were still furious that Harrison, Ellie, and Tom had been duped by Stacey. How could they possibly believe her? I know they're all friends, but am I supposed to mean more? You reflected to yourself. You went to see Scarlett and to meet her nephew. You and Scarlett have always been close; you did drift apart a little when you were younger, but you are still very close. Scarlett has a 5-year-old nephew named Jake, and you were all going to the cafe and then back to Scarlett's.

Toms POV

She just walks out the door and slams it.

"Who was that?" Harrison asked.

"Y/n. She just said she was going out and it's non of my business where" I say.

"What's her problem?" Ellie walks in.

"She just is angry and needs to cool off" Stacey says.

"I'm so sorry Stacey that she's acting like this, Y/n is never like this" Harrison apologises.


You walk to the Cafe and when you arrive you see Scarlett and Jake inside.

"y/nnn?!" Jake shouts.

"Jakeyyy" you say and hug him.

"hey scarlett" you hug her.

"You need to tell me everything, with that Bitch Stacey" Scarlett sits down.

You explain everything to her....

"Omg what! Why does Tom or Harrison even Ellie not believe you. You do know what she said isn't true right?" Scarlett asks.

"ahhh....well I'm trying not to but I know it is well at least some of it" you fake smile.

"Y/n don't ever say that, Stacey is just some stuck up girl. And just because she's Ellie's best friend doesn't mean that they should believe her. I've hated her my whole life too but trust me they will find out how she really is" Scarlett grabs your hands.

"She's Toms girlfriend" you sigh.

"I thought that everything was going okay with you both?" Scarlett asked. 

Perfect smile->Tom holland Where stories live. Discover now