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Toms POV

We played the game for another 30 minutes before deciding to watch a movie. I looked down and saw y/n sleeping soundly. I began to stroke her y/h/c (your hair colour), which was soft. Harrison and Sam were talking about something, but I couldn't figure out what.

"What are you whispering about?" I spoke quietly.

"Nothing just about how you love y/n" Sam chuckles.

"Shh you will wake her up" I whisper shouted.

"I don't know why you don't just date yet, I mean you both are in love. Even fans can see it, everyone can but you too." Harrison says.

"Let's just watch the film" I smile trying to ignore the conversation.


You wake up with a pain in your stomach, great your having bad cramps. You can feel Tom stroking your hair, it soothed you.

"How long have I been asleep for?" you move your head off his chest, so now it's laying on his lap. You just stare in his gorgeous eyes.

"About 1 hour and 30mins" he smiles.

"Where is everyone?" you look around the room.

"Harry and Sam went back to go get ready for tonight, and Harrison is in the shower" he says.

"Tonight? what's happening tonight?" you say confused.

"Did Ellie not tell u? Some people are just coming over, like a party not a lot of people though" he plays with your hair.

"Nope she didn't tell me. When will everyone be here?" you ask.

"About 1 hour" he smiles.

"1HOUR!" you quickly stand up.

"Yeah why?" he looks at you.

"Well because I can't look like this. I'm not gonna wear anything nice because I don't want to look like a zombie" you run out the room and hear him laugh.

You prepare by putting on some makeup, but not too much. You still didn't feel great, but if people came over tonight, you wanted to look presentable.

This is your outfit:(if you don't like it sorry)

You walk down the stairs and meet Toms brown gorgeous eyes

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You walk down the stairs and meet Toms brown gorgeous eyes.

"Too much?" you ask.

"N-no you look b-beautiful" Tom smiles and looks at you up and down. You blushed and hid your face.

"Thanks Tommy. You don't look too bad yourself. ...Ellie could've told me there was a party, so I knew before hand" you chuckle.

"Yeah, she was meant to" Tom said.

"People are here come on." Harrison shouts.

The party was going well; you knew a few people, some from high school, some from family friends, and some you didn't know at all. There was a lot of drinking and loud music. You didn't really party that much, because you only turned 18 a month ago. But all you wanted to do was have fun.

Perfect smile->Tom holland Where stories live. Discover now