xxxviii. love and war

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𝐕𝐎𝐋. 𝐓𝐖𝐎 ━ 𝕯𝗲𝘃𝗶𝗹'𝘀 𝕻𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗴𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱 °. ୭̥❁.*
━━ ❪ 𝙷𝙰𝚁𝚁𝚈 𝙿𝙾𝚃𝚃𝙴𝚁 ❫ . ˚ ⚘ ▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆

    "C'MON, JUST DO IT." Alena groaned, moving across the empty classroom the two mages occupied. She had been helping Harry master the Stunning Spell for the last task that was only a few days away.

     The witch had even tossed harmless jinxes and hexes towards him, some of them striking him across the cheek, on the leg, or over the shoulder. 

     "Lena, stop! I'm not going to stun you," he replied irritably, not trying to cast a glance her way, "one of us is going to get hurt."

     "You're right, and it's going to be you if you don't master this spell," At this point, Alena was getting more irritated than anything. She casted a slicing hex that cut straight across his palm—not even a bead of blood dripped down his arm. Harry's face muck up. "Sorry, mate. Had to be done."

He then suddenly stood up, yelling out the spell "Stupefy!" which sent her flying backwards into the many cushions that they'd set up earlier. In an instant, his face dropped, the look of hurt masked his face as he rushed to her side.

     "Damn," she coughed, "I didn't mean to make you that mad, Darling."

     "No, no," he retorted, grabbing her by her hand to pull her to a seated position. "It just surprised me, that's all."

      "Should've scared you, really," she muttered, trailing her fingers over the the cut she caused, a small string of purple light extended from the black painted nails. Harry's virescent optics were fixed on her face as she did this.

She caught his stare, leaving him temporarily breathless.

"Lena.." he began, very slowly.

     "Hmm," she hummed, listening.

     Please, don't fuck up like an idiot, he thought to himself.

     "Do you think... that after this tournament's over, do you think we could go on a date? Like a proper date?" he asked, choosing to ignore the voice in the back of his head that yelled at him to shut up. "I-I mean, it's up to you. I understand if you don't want to..."

     Alena stared at him with surprised eyes. Her cheeks flushed a light shade of red and she had fallen silent for a short moment.

     "I'd love too, Harry," she smiled, elating her mood. And Harry's, of course.

     The endlessly racing days, all the murmurations of her mind, the story of her life would all tumble and turn. Creating an oath around Harry and her would become the Gods next task for the destined youth.

They would be made for far more beautiful things, their souls would dance with the stars. The melancholy of the other would become gold dust in their hands, which would make them wonder...

Is this what we get for loving a God?

     HARRY JAMES POTTER WAS ESATIC, TO SAY THE LEAST. He'd finally gotten the girl of his dreams, the third task would be starting soon, which would mean that the whole Tournament would be coming to an end.

     "The task's starting soon," Hermione informed, a few minutes passing by.

     "I'll see you at the pitch, yeah?" Alena responded, knowing that Hermione wanted to speak with Ron alone, and that she wanted to wish Harry good luck.

     Alena exited the portrait hole and began walking to the Owlery. She ran into Professor McGonagall, Flitwick, Hagrid, and Moody, who were all rushing in the opposite direction.

     "Lena!" a voice called from behind her. She turned, already smiling at the familiarity of the mellow sound, and broke out into laughter as her eyes landed on Harry Potter. He greeted her with a hug and a kiss on her temple.

"Mum, Dad, you both know Lena," he told his parents: Lily and James Potter.

Lily was the first to envelop the young witch into a warm, comforting hug, whispering soft greetings into her ear. She'd always missed Lily's hugs. She assumed it was the comforting aura she had around her, but she didn't really know.

      "It's lovely to see you again, darling," Lily softly greeted her, pulling away from the hug.

     Once the two witches had exchanged their greetings, James Potter had wrapped the girl into a 'brotherly' embrace. His arms settling their way around her shoulders.

     "Oh, how i've missed my favorite Black... don't tell your father I said that," he laughed happily, taking a step back and wrapping an arm around Harry's shoulders.

     "Well, I just came to wish Harry good luck," she reached up and hugged him around the neck again, saying a quick goodbye to Lily and James; she hurried off down the hall to meet Ron, Hermione, Luna, and Rolf who were all down their way to the Quidditch Pitch.

     The pitch now had a six-foot hedge maze in the centre, which sort of took away from its sporty aspect. Everyone in the stands were decked out in different colors and merchandise; Durmstrang, Beauxbatons, Gryffindor, and Hufflepuff. The four friends took their seats, waiting for the last task to begin.

     Then finally, Dumbledore and Mr Bagman walked onto the pitch. 

      "Ladies and gentlemen, the third and final task of the Triwizard Tournament is about to begin! Let me remind you how the points currently stand! Tied in first place, with eighty-five points each—Mr Diggory and Mr Potter, both of Hogwarts!" Loud cheers and applause rang throughout the pitch. "In second place, with eighty points—Mr Krum of Durmstrang!" Cheers rang out once again. "And in third place—Miss Delacour of Beauxbatons!"

      Bagman turned to the champions, "On my whistle, Harry and Cedric! Three... Two... One!"

     At the sound of the whistle, the two boys dashed into the maze. Though, that wasn't the end of it for Alena, not even the slightest.

     Professor Moody had tapped her shoulder aggressively, and as she turned to view his face, she noticed that it looked more scarred and possibly more direful due to the floodlighted area. The teacher leaned over to her ear and whispered, so silently that she almost didn't hear him considering the cheers.

      "Come with me, Black. If you want to see even one of your friends make it out of there alive."

False Gods, Harry Potter. [ HIATUS ] Where stories live. Discover now