on set *Tom Holland*

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"And cut!" The director shouted and we all went on our lunch break. I was working on a movie with Tom Holland and was having a lot of fun. Especially with Tom. We have had a little thing going on for a while. But it wasn't official. Yet. As I was standing at the buffet, putting food on my plate, he came over to me.

"Do you wanna come back to my trailer?" He asked with a grin on his face and winked at me.

"Sure." I smiled and we started walking. He opened the door of his trailer for me and let me in first. He was such a gentleman. But the moment he closed the door behind him, he pulled me into him and connected our lips. When I slipped my tongue past his lips, he groaned against my mouth. Fuck that was hot! Our costumes were thrown to the ground and Tom led us to the coach. He sat down and I climbed on his lap. He smirked at me, his eyes full of lust, before he left kisses down my neck making me moan quietly. My hands travelled down his bear chest and over his abs to the rim of his boxers. I felt him, already hard, through the fabric and grinned at him. I pulled them down and stroked his length as he moaned into my neck. I went faster and felt him get harder under my touch. I kissed his neck as he moaned.

"Don't stop!" He groaned. "Fuck!"

I kept going until he came over my hands. I wiped my hands on a towl as he caught his breath again. I grinned at him.

"Your turn." Tom said as he lay me down. He kissed my lips and moved down to my neck. A quiet moan escaped me and I felt him smirk against my skin. He moved down to my chest and went lower to my stomach. My breath started getting heavier as his kisses left a tingle in my stomach. His fingers grabbed my panties and pulled them down my legs. I felt his warm breath on my area but he skipped it and went to kiss my inner thighs. Loader moans escaped my mouth and I tangled my fingers in his curls.

"Stop teasing!" I breathed out and he hummed in response. He planted a singe kiss on my clit making me gasp. I pushed his head down again and he smirked against my skin before starting to lick and kiss me where I needed him most. The pressure started building in my center as he made me week.

"I'm close!" I gasped and he slowly pushed two fingers into me. I moaned loadly and the combination of his mouth and fingers working on me quickly made the tight knot release. I turned into a moaning mess under his touch as pleasure washed over my body. He pulled out of me as I came down. He came up to face me again and grinned at me. He leaned down to kiss me again but I put a finger on his lips.

"We don't have time." I pouted. "We have to get back to set."

"Uch. Fine." Tom hummed as he got up and handed me my clothes. We both put on our clothes and I fixed his messed up hair. He smiled at me the whole time and I looked up into his eyes. He gave me a quick kiss and we stepped out of his trailer together. Harry was standing right in front of me.

"Holy shit, Harry!" I clutched my chest. " You scared the living shit out of me!"

"Sorry." Harry laughed but instantly his expression turned into confusement. "What were you doing together in your trailer?" He asked with knitted eyebrows.

"Nothing!" Tom and I quickly said at the same time.

"Ok?!" Harry said. "Y/N, they need you on set."

"Yeah. Ok." I said breathing out in relieved. "Coming." I walked back to set with Harry but turned back around to look at Tom. He grinned and gave me another cheeky wink. I just laughed and shook my head in amusement. Tom was the best! 

One Shots ~Tom Holland [book 1]Where stories live. Discover now