royalty *Tom Holland*

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This plays in Victorian times

My mother tightened my corset making me inhale sharply.

"I can't breathe!" I gasped as my mum made a bow.

"You're not supposed to." She said as if it was normal. "Tonight, I would like you to meet a very lovely young man-" She started as I turned around attempting to take a deep breath.

"Ok great." I cut her off. "I'll see if I like him, ok?" I gave her a fake smile. All the men my parents had ever wanted me to be with were idiots. So I really didn't get my hopes up.

"You will love him." My mother said with a sweet smile on her face.

"Yeah. I'm sure." I said with sarcasm in my voice making my mum roll her eyes and she left the room leaving me alone with my maiden, Daisy. I sighed and turned back to look into the mirror.

"Daisy, can you please get this thing off me?" I said still struggling to breath in the corset.

"But your mother said-" She started.

"I don't care what she said! I will not wear this!" I made clear and she gave in and opened the laces. "Finally." I sighed as I pulled it off my body. Daisy helped me to put the first layer of my dress on and I straightened the floor-long skirt.

"Should I help you put the other layers on?" Daisy asked me and I nodded my head.

"Yes please." I smiled and she helped me put layer over layer on my skirt building up my gown. She then pulled my last layer of thick fabric over my head and pulled it over my body flattening it and making the dress complete.

"Great." I smiled and let my hands run over the silk. "Thank you so much, Daisy." I looked at her and she bowed her head.

"May I do your hair now?" She asked and I went to sit down on a small chair.

"Of course." I smiled and tangle my fingers in my long hair. Daisy came up behind me and started brushing it flat on my back. She went on to style my hair in a bun of braids over the back of my head. She placed some flowers in my hair and finished it off with a loosening some strands of my hairstyle.

"There you are." Daisy smiled and held the mirror so that I could see the back.

"Wow, that's beautiful!" I gasped and turned my head to look at the sides. "Thank you so much." I smiled and Daisy bowed her head and left my room too leaving me completely alone. I sat at my table and started doing my make up, putting on lipstick and light face color and then blush on my cheeks. When I was finished, I stood up from the chair and put on my shoes taking a last glance at myself in the mirror before walking though the palace to the huge ballroom. The closer I got, the more people I met and bowed my head at all of them. I reached the big doors of the ballroom and straightened my dress once more before the guards opened the doors for me and bowing as I walked past them and into the room. A lot of heads turned as I sashayed into the room. I spotted my parents and made my way over to them as I felt eyes follow me.

"Hello mother, father." I said and nodded at both of them.

"Sweetie, you look stunning!" my mother smiled and squeezed my hand in hers.

"Thank you." I smiled and looked around the big room as the orchestra started playing. Couples started walking on the dance floor and danced in perfect sync with one another. It looked rather amazing!

"Y/N, I know you probably don't want to hear about this, but I would like you to meet Tom." My mum said bringing my attention back to her and I rolled my eyes. "He's standing over there." She said pointing over to the other side of the room. I turned around and looked in the direction of her pointing. I saw a curly head of hair and he was talking to what looked like his parents. The lady with red hair noticed me looking at him and said something to the man making him turn around. I noticed he wasn't as old as the other guys my parents introduced me to. He was about as old as I was and looked very handsome. He looked me up and down and a smirk grew on his face that I returned and then turned around again to see my mother with a hopeful look.

One Shots ~Tom Holland [book 1]Where stories live. Discover now