birthday boy *Tom Holland*

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"Happy birthday babe!" I smiled as Tom opened his eyes slowly waking up and yawning with a big sleepy smile on his face. He stretched his arms before snaking them around my waist again burying his head in the crook of my neck and growning while he closed his eyes again.

"Nooo! I don't want to get older!" He whined and I ruffled through his hair laughing as I kissed his head. Tom left a few kisses on my neck making me giggle.

"I have a wish." He whispered against my skin making me hum in response as he pushed his knee between my legs. He left kisses on my neck and jaw and I cupped his cheeks pulling him to face me again before slowly connecting our lips. He deepened it as I grinned into the kiss making him pull me onto his lap. I travelled my hands over his chest and abs as we made out as his hands moved under my shirt. Tom leaned back on the head board making my body move with his as he pulled me closer leaving no air between our bodies. I moved on his boxers feeling him slowly get hard as I lightly traced his abs and he moaned against my mouth.

"Happy Bi-" We pulled apart. "I'm so sorry!" Harry laughed and covered his mouth with his hand. "I'll come back." He laughed.

"Yeah, in like an hour." Tom laughed making me scrunch my eyebrows. Harry closed the door again and before I could say anything Tom pulled me into him again connecting our lips and a soft moan escaped me. He pulled my shirt over my head and traced up my sides not breaking the heated make out. He grabbed my hips flipping us around as a small squeal left my lips and he held himself over my body.

"Nice wish you have there, sir." I grinned before slipping my tongue past his lips earning a groan from him making me soaking in need. He slowly moved his hips against me making my head fall back and he left kisses down my neck again. I tangled my fingers in his hair moaning as he hit my sweet spot. But my hands soon travelled down his front and to his boxers feeling him hard through the fabric and palming him as he moaned into my neck. I bit my lips at his sounds and my eyes rolled back as I slipped my hands past the waistband and stroked my hands over his length. I started leaving kisses on his jawline making him pull away from my skin and grin as I moved lower over his neck.

"Let me give you a little present." I whispered into his ear as I moved lower trailing kisses down his chest. I grabbed his shoulders and pushed him off of me before sitting down on his lap continuing to kiss over his abs until I reached the waistband of his boxers. I stopped and looked up at Tom whos mouth was agape and had lust filled eyes staring down at me. I cupped my finger under his chin tipping his head back as he let out a breathy moan and closed his eyes for me. I painfully slowly pulled his boxers down smirking when I saw him already fully hard. I pumped his a few times before taking him in and starting to bob my head up at down. He moaned as his hands collected my hair in a loose ponytail as I took him in completely swirling my tongue around his cock. I lightly ran my hands over his abs as he twitched inside of my mouth getting close to release. I went faster so he was now fucking my mouth as loader moans left his mouth.

"Fuck, Y/N." He gasped as he released warm liquid into my mouth and I pulled off of him swallowing his cum. I came up from under the sheets as he panted and I kissed up his body again before reaching his face grinning at him.

"Happy birthday!" I whispered as he bit his lip.

"Who said I was done with you?" He smirked and flipped me on my back once again as I laughed and grabbed his shoulders. He kissed my lips before moving to my neck kissing my sweet spot and biting the skin leaving a mark behind. I moaned and closed my eyes as I wrapped my legs around his waist moving into his body so I could feel him on my core. I could feel him grin into me as I grew even more needy and our hips started grinding against each other as my heat started throbbing. Toms hands moved down my body hooking around my panties and pulling them off my body. They frustratingly slowly moved up my legs again reaching my thighs making me squirm under him. He quickly reached over and got a condom slipping it on before his grasp tightened making me gasp as his fingers swiped over my folds making me moan loader.

"Fuck, you're wet." He groaned against my skin sending shivers down my body as he positioned himself between my thighs pushing in. My back arched into his chest as he started thrusting into me picking up his pace quickly. A knot started forming as he pushed deeper into me hitting that spot in me as my walls tightened around him making him moan into the crook of my neck.

"Do it again." Tom moaned against my skin making me grin and repeat it. His movements got extatic as we both got close to release. His thumb started rubbing circles on my clit sending me over the edge as I gasped and moaned his name. He filled the condom making his movements slow down and he fell on top of me as we both relaxed. I sighed as he pulled out and lay next to me his arms remaining around me.

"Birthday sex is the best." He laughed making me put on an offended face before laughing too. "And of course all the sex we don't have on my birthday." He laughed.

"Shut up, dork!" I laughed and sat up pulling my shirt over my head again. "Let's go! You have presents to unpack! And a traumatized Harry waiting for you!" I grinned and patted him on the chest. He planted a kiss on my lips before getting changed too. 

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